Sometimes, I find myself...usually in the midst of a flare, feeling downright sorry for myself. The last couple of days, I've felt like, why bother trying so hard anymore? I realized this is not normal for me.
Just coming back from a walk, I feel so much better. While walking, I did a lot of positive self talk opposed to the last couple of days where I focused on just the negative.
When we spend time focusing on the negative, it really does change our perception of things. I know it felt like I had myself feeling hopeless, and losing control. It was a scary feeling, almost as if I felt helpless.
I have been taking Savella for almost 4 years now. I know it is a SNRI, which is an anti-depressant type med. In the past, I've dealt with situational sadness but have never been diagnosed with depression before.
Exercise and relaxation therapy have always really helped keep me from sliding down the slippery slope to a sad place for long. For me it has been my way of coping with the stress.
I believe that I need to be more aware of my emotions and when I start feeling overwhelmed...take more time to focus on my blessings and give myself a positive self talk.
Also know, if I start getting to where I am being plagued with sadness...I can't ignore it and will bring it to the attention of my doc.
Serious depression should not be ignored.
I'm not a strong person...I just work on trying to convince myself, I am
Better days ahead for all of us!
Hugs, Robin