I promised to let you know what all the tests have pointed to for me. I saw the rheumy on Wednesday and they think I have ankylosing spondylitis. I don't think so and they did say "think" so it's a guessing game for both of us!
The MRI's showed mild arthritis at the L5-S1 area but I had extreme inflammation and swelling in that area...far more than what they would expect it to be with the arthritis I have. The swelling is pressing on the nerves. I asked the doctor if the stress and grief over losing my beloved dog would cause the inflammation and he said "yes"! That's what I figured because I didn't have this problem before she died. So now I'm trying to get that inflammation under control. It's hard to do since I'm not supposed to take anti-inflammatories! You do what you have to do. (As a bonus, the MRI's showed a cyst on one of my kidneys. As Rosanne Rosannadanna would say, "It's always something!
Things here are perking along. I AM taking ibuprofen with misoprostol to help protect my stomach and also I take it with a meal. I take it only once a day (600 mg) and that seems to be doing the trick for me. I used to take 600 mg four times a day (every six hours) but I hadn't discovered the Curamin then. I wish I had known about Curamin because maybe I wouldn't have gotten the ulcer to begin with. Oh, well. Hindsight is 20/20. But, hopefully only taking one dose a day will work out and I won't get any bleeding ulcers.
I'm not taking ibuprofen every day yet because I want to talk to my Internist about it first. I'll be seeing him a week from tomorrow. So, I'm only taking ibuporfen when I need to get some things done. The doctor might want me to take something like Tagamet or Zantac to lessen the stomach acid. I really don't want to do a PPI because I feel that it caused the osteoporosis that I have now. I'll do what ever he suggests, though.
I took ibuprofen on Friday and went shopping...to two drug stores, Home Depot, and grocery shopping. I came home, put everything away, and did laundry. There is no way I could do that without ibuprofen. Yesterday I took it again and planted all my flowers and did yard clean-up! Again, I couldn't have done it without ibuprofen.
Hopefully my doctor will agree and will help me with this and monitor me as far as ulcers go . I really don't have any answers. The only medication the rheumy suggests is Humira, which I can't afford and wouldn't take if I COULD afford it. He has also suggested prednisone which would raise my blood sugar (I'm diabetic), do more damage to my bones, etc. The only other thing is ibuprofen so I'm between a rock and a hard place. I will just have to depend on God's help with this one.
So, guys, this is that latest from Sherrine's Saga. I know all of you know what it's like to have something and keep searching for ways to help you live your life comfortably. We WILL, too! We are all smart, know our bodies, and will find what works best for us. Thank God for Google!
I hope you all are having a wonderful Palm Sunday with your family.