Oh, Donna, this was soooo funny! We do some of the dumbest things.
A year ago I had a garage sale, wrapped all my change from the sale, and headed to the bank. I went through the drive-through, put the rolled coins in and got back about $25 less than what I thought I should. I told the guy and he said he was accurate.
I pulled into the parking lot, went in and spoke to the teller personally. He stopped what he was doing and went through every transaction he handled that morning and came out to the penny and told me, again, he was accurate. I was soooo ticked off and told him off and that he was wrong.
I stormed to my car and there on the passenger seat were several more rolls of coins.
Oh, man, did I ever feel stupid! I took them in and apologized and he was so nice about it that I went and bought him a small box of Russel Stover's candies and gave it to him the next day along with a card.
It's funny.....whenever I pull up to the drive through window, he never comes to he never is around! LOL