I've noticed that my body temp has been running higher than normal lately. I'm not ill, and I take 2,000 mgs of tylenol (in my vicodin) daily which should knock out any fever in my body, I'd think. My temp yesterday was 99.7 pretty much all day. So far today I've taken 2 readings, which were both 99.8. I'm going to track my temp now. The readings are with a temporal thermometer which I know how to use accurately (my youngest dd has Thal and we bought this fancy temporal from the medical supply company to use on her) It's been over 100 degrees outside here in the midwest for the past month, but we have out a/c set at 73.
I'm not ovulating (which would increase basal temperature readings)
Wow I'm rambeling! Sorry!! My point is... is increased body temp associated with fibro?