Welcome Mumma
You have recieved some great advice!
I find it easier to keep up with housework if I set up a routine. Doing a little each day rather than waiting for it everything to build up. While doing laundry, I'll put music on and do dusting while the clothes are washing...pacing is important...make time for breaks. Working to music is much more enjoyable and I tend to get more done.
My home is not spotless...but I am more content now that I don't expect perfection from myself...I'm ok at "good enough." I'd rather spend time taking care of my health and doing fun things with hubby and friends. Having fun is a wonderful way to keep the stress down. Less stress means less pain. Taking time for gentle stretching or going for a walk helps get the kinks out and re-energizes me.
I agree that taking your boyfriend with you to a doctor appointment
would be great. Don't be afraid to ask for help from him when you need it.
It takes time to find out what works for you...that includes finding the right med combo. We are all so differant...many of us are deficient in Vitamin D. If you have not been tested, you should be.
Vitamin D deficiency will make you ache even more. I take vitan D along with a Vitamin B12 supplement and a good multi vitamin.
Rheumy prescribed Savella and Flexeril and both have helped.
Moist heating pads are used on a daily basis for achey muscles. Long soaks in the tub are beneficial too. Meditation is part of relaxation therapy for me...deep breathing and visualisation all help reduce stress. There are many things that can help, one of the best things is keeping a positive mindset...believing you can feel better, and taking it one day at a time.
So glad you have joined us...post often...we care
Hugs, Robin