Hi, Amber. and welcome. First of all, no one is putting arsenic in our food supplies. Arsenic is found in soil and also in some pesticides. The arsenic seems to be mainly in rice that is produced in certain areas. Here is a link to the Consumer Reports article you metioned.
Here is what WebMD has to say about this.
Here is yet another article about this topic. I do think you would have to ingest quite a bit to have health problems with this. Arsenic is even in the air we breathe.
I'm not going to worry about this. Golly, we ate dirt when we were kids and had lead-based paints, too, on our toys, in our homes, etc.and I haven't croaked yet.
I just think you need to be mindful of things and if you are really worried, don't eat these foods that had traces of arsenic in them.
Now to fibro. You can have burning muscles with fibro and many on this forum have that problem. Please read Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good info about fibro and you will learn a lot there. Good starting links for you are called Symptoms and A Thorough Explanation of Fibromylagia. You just might see yourself there.
I am also a Type 2 Diabetic. I don't take the new medications. I always ask for the older meds that are proven. I use glyburide. But now they are saying that after 65 years of age the insurance companies want a doctor's OK to give glyburide. I've taken it for years and am now 65 and I will continue to take it because it works well for me.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.