Bess, you are just frustrated. Fibro is a frustrating illness. There is no cure because the doctors don't know what causes it. If you read a site that says they have a cure for! BUT you can get in control of the pain. I have. I've had fibro for 26 years and have had a great life in spite of this illness. I tried many things and combination of things until I found what combination works for me. There is no "one" thing that will do that trick. Also, a positive attitude and outlook has been a tremendous asset for me. It puts things in perspective.
You have to look at fibro as something that probably won't change so you learn to live your life with it. You need to accept the illness, find a combination of things that help you be in CONTROL of your pain. Then you can start to enjoy your life. It sounds like you have been looking to be pain-free and be cured of fibro and that will not least right we have to make the best of what we have.
I'm severely hearing impaired. I used to have great hearing and perfect pitch. I played four musical instruments but now can only hear one of them. I sang in the church choir and did solos and also sang in a community choir. I can't do those things now. I can't hear birds sing, water sizzling, or speech. But I've accepted my hearing loss, learned how to lip read, enjoy playing the one instrument I CAN hear, bought a closed-captioned telephone....just learned how to work around my hearing loss and enjoy my life! That's what you have to do with fibro, too.
Now, you need to know that fibro is not a progressive illness. It also is not an inflammatory illness. If you are getting progressively worse and have a lot of inflammation, you have something else going on besides your fibro. This happened to me last year. I headed to a good board certified rheumatologist, went through more tests, and found I have ankylosing spondylitis along with fibro. I was put on some medication for the AS and am doing sooo much better. Not everything is caused by fibromyalgia.
Go back and try a few combinations of things and see what happens. Give yourself 2-4 weeks. If you get some results and want to try other things, then do it, but do talk to your doctor or pharmacist first so you don't end up with interactions. What works for me is ibuprofen with food, Tylenol, malic acid/magnesium supplements, vitamin D3 supplements and a muscle relaxer. I also to daily gentle stretching, daily gentle exercises like walking or swimming, pacing myself, and keeping a good outlook for the future.
I count my many blessings because they far outweigh the negative things in my life. If I focused on my health and the bad things that have happened to me, I would be totally miserable and make everyone around me miserable, too. But looking forward to each new day with anticipation makes me happy. I smile a lot, too, and that does help me. I've accepted all my health issues and my list seems to get a little longer each year, but that's okay. I'll still have a great life as long as I have breath in me.
Don't tell yourself all that you can't do. Try things. You will be surprised at what you really thought you couldn't do, but can! I've surprised myself so many times. Start living and enjoying your life. Yes, get to the bottom of what is causing that inflammation, too. That is important. But the answers are out there for that. If you go into Fibro 101, there is a link with a journal and pain charts. You can print these out, write your activity in the journal and the pain level you felt and then take these to a good rheumy. That will help them figure out what is causing all your exessive pain. Once you have that figured out, you can get on with your life. You do have a good life waiting for you.