Since I first had fibro, I've found that I need to constantly keep 'tweaking' my life, to make everything run more smoothly: time management, diet, sleep, hobbies, daily work, etc..
I don't think that's necessarily all bad, though. It's sort of been a wake-up call in some ways, and I find I'm fine-tuning my days as I get older. It's made me think more about what I do with my time, and how effectively I use it. It's also made me aware of when my "better" hours and days are, and that I use them to the best of my ability.
Has anyone else noticed that they've needed to work harder on their self-discipline in many areas of life, since you were diagnosed with fibro? Do you think it's been more of a positive or negative experience? I guess I don't want to wake up one day and find that my life has surrendered to my pain, fog, etc., and the best days are behind me. More and more, I see that every day is a gift, and I need to take the "bull by the horn" every hour I can. It's a daily battle, I think, but one well worth fighting, in my opinion.
I'm working on that!
Can anyone else here relate? Any tips? What has worked for you in this area?