Pamela's mention of ADD in connection w/ FMS is very interesting...
Over the weekend, I got a book from the library about ADHD, just to see if it had info about Adderall side effects & effectiveness. Well, it turns out that I have had ADD symptoms my whole life....many, many of them. It was eery, reading through the list of criteria.
I wondered why I was able to cope better before Fibro than I am now, w/ my difficulty w/ focusing, memory, constant daydreaming, etc. Well, before, I had a tremendous amount of energy. Any days spent dreaming were usually counterbalanced w/ days that I could "hyperfocus" on tasks (talked about in the ADHD book) or run, run, run through my day. This is how I did ok at work, I think - my bosses didn't care about the days I was unproductive, because I had those high energy days or days when I could focus for hours on the subject at hand.
Well, now I don't have as much energy. My "hyperfocus" days are fewer than before. I guess this is why these same symptoms I've lived with for as long as I can remember are now affecting me negatively.
How strange if I actually have ADD too. I'm going to get an evaluation to find out, as I never self-diagnose. It's just intriguing...and a bit exciting, because perhaps I can actually find an effective treatment.
My 10 year old also exhibits many of the symptoms of child ADHD. The school actually called me last week to ask if they could evaluate him. I found out this weekend that it is genetic.
This is all very interesting. Anyone on here with diagnosed ADD/ADHD, themselves or their children?