Have you all seen that movie "Groundhog Day"?
Sometimes I feel like that is how my life is going with this illness. I feel up and good for a while, then I am snatched right back into the pains and aches and good 'ol depression, and then the cycle repeats over and over again. Just like in the movie where he is subjected to do the same day over and over again.
My doc had started me on Lyrica a few months ago. We started at a low dose and I have built it up to 300mg 2X per day. While it was my savior, as the pain was gone, it has also become my prison.
Many days I cannot take the morning dose because it puts me in such a sleepy/high state that I can barely function at work. So, even though I know I shouldn't, I skip that dose. For the first week or two, I thought hey I am doing good with just one dose a day. Not so.
Today it hit me, and I mean like a 2 ton truck. My whole body started slowing aching at about
lunchtime. It started in my ankles and legs while I was driving. Then it slithered its way up to my back. From there it has managed to coil itself around each arm and hand. And this is no average ache. Oh no of course not. This ache is accompanied by the ever wonderful feeling of on again/off again numbness (depending on my position) and the wonderful sensation of internal burning in each arm.
No matter how good you feel one day, this illness knows how to slam you back into reality ans if to say "Ha! Did you really think I was gone?!?"