Posted 12/15/2013 12:05 PM (GMT -5)
Progressive, meaning you get worse and worse over time, isn't what fibro does. We will have good times and bad times and some really bad times with pain (Flares). When I'm in more pain I can't think as well either. Fibro waxes and wanes but it shouldn't progress so you end up totally dibilitated.
If you think you are getting worse and worse and you are not having any better days, it would be worth it to bounce this off your doctor. You could have something else going on. This happened to me a little over a year ago. My back pain was getting so bad and it just never let up...for many months...and the pain was getting worse. That's when I headed to the rheumatologist because fibro isn't a progressive illness like that. It turned out I had ankylosing spondylitis along with fibro now. I was put on proper medication and am now doing great.
A few years back I was getting more and more fatigued, too. That wasn't the way I had always been. When walking, I would get some shortness of breath, too. At first my doctor thought it was allergies and I was given an inhaler but that didn't help at all. I finally asked him to test me for anemia and, bingo, that's what was making me so fatigued. I started taking more iron, we found the source of blood loss, and I'm not seriously fatigued anymore.
So, not all pain, as well as fatigue, is caused by fibro.