hopegirl: You mentioned your stomach lining is red and inflamed--did they call it gastritis?
I was diagnosed with gastritis a couple years ago. I'm doing well now, but get occasional mild flares. Sometimes a very short time with an ice pack on my stomach helps. Not too long, of course!
While HealingWell has some awesome forums, I don't believe they have one for gastritis, specifically. I used to visit this one: http://www.dailystrength.org/c/Gastritis/forum
It's helpful in many ways, and the links to stress are sometimes mentioned.
I took a tablespoon or so of aloe vera gel in a glass of water every day for a long time, and I think more than other things, it helped my stomach heal, though I can't seem to lose the distention! Aloe vera gel can cause loose stools, though, so--a head's up on that.
I also had a prescription for Anaspaz for stomach spasms and cramping. Of course, if you took the Anaspaz, it would be another med for you. I took it quite rarely, actually. Maybe these (aloe vera gel, Anaspaz) are something you could discuss with your doctor though, in case you're interested in them, to see if they would interfere with anything else you may be taking.
BTW, I would not pay $300., either!!
Hope things are better soon.