I posted that last week I was helping my sister and BIL while they recovered from being sick. My BIL got better right away, but my sister suffered from some side effects from having the flu. Her serintona got off balanced and caused her to be hospitalized for the next few days. She's prone to having these attacks when her hormones get off balance. Last time she became catatonic for 24hrs. It's scary for her and everybody when it happens.
Anyway, I'm digressing....
I stay with her Sunday in the ER for five hours sitting in the world's hardest molded plastic chair. My back spasming something terrible the whole time and feeling the effects of the fluorescent lighting.
The doctor's sent me home to get rest and call them with information they needed from her house. On the way back my BIL calls me to get him some food. Sigh...
I get to her house and collapse after calling them with the info. They tell me I can't see her until Monday. Okay, I can rest some...
The next day I call the hospital to find out they had transfer her to a special clinic for long term treatment. So....she needs clothes for a few days...
Did I mention she lives in a two story house?
Pack her bag, drag it downstair to my car, and my parents call. Daddy is having surgery in the morning and I'm needed to drive him to Augusta. Okay....
I pack up all of my stuff to return to GA after I deliver her clothes in Greer, SC.
Load up the car and start to say bye to my BIL. He was hoping I would stay and keep him company and drive him back and forth on errands.
Well I spent three hours driving to the hospital and returning home. Can we say not able to move at this point?
I switch out my suitcase to my parents car and climb in the backseat. Dad's driving to there to let me rest.
The motel bed was a rock and the sheets were sandpaper. I manage to get in maybe five hours sleep. Then we go to the hospital after loading the car again.
The waiting room was freezing! The chairs where like sitting on a wooden board. The only soft seat in the whole place was directly under a vent. Brrrr!
The surgery was four hours long then it was my turn to drive us home.
The whole way I wanted to pull over and go to sleep like my parents were doing.
I'm sitting here now loaded up on tramadol and tylenol, with a heating wrap on my shoulders and back. I need a break.