Welcome chi! You found a great place to learn and get great support. If your like many of us, you probably have been suffering awhile before you got your diagnoses. I know how you must feel being a mother with fibro. I have had fibro over 20 years and raised my kids with fibro. I am not going to sugar coat it for you, it was a challenge. You are blessed to be able to stay home and raise your beautiful children. I believe in educating yourself, family and friends on fibro. You can get some great books and reading material on line. It really empowers you do get an upper hand on fibro and it will allow your support network to be involved. You can get great ideas on about
anything about
fibro on line. I remember remember having problems with my husband in the bedroom. I was able to do research and it really help my relationship. So that is one good example how you can help yourself learn.
The fatigue and pain are usually the leading issues with fibro. There are so many things you can do to help those symptoms. Many of us have gone through many trial and error methods. You will find some things work better then other things. We are all so different in how we respond to meds and treatments. When I first started here I read post frequently to stay connected and to learn new treatments. It was a trial and elimination for sure. This is how I created a great treatment plan for me. Always check with your Dr. before trying new meds, even vitamins.
Try not to get discorage as you go through process of learning. When you try new things sometimes it can take several weeks for results. What are you doing for your treatment on fibro? I have found out the more simple I keep it the better I feel. Since most of us are very senstive to meds.
Things I do for my fibro is vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, heat, light exercise, eat healthy, limit stress, remron and subutex for pain. I have found out that exercise is very important to fibro patients.
Having preschool kids are a challenge with fibro, but you can do it. It's all about
keeping a schedule for you and them. Learning activites that doesn't require so much energy. Learning your limits is one of the hard things for many of us. As they get older sharing a easy story about
your health, so they can be little helpers.
Fibro can be manageable through your life. It does take a life style change to make it work. Things such as learning your limits, resting more, good sleep habits, eating well and exercise. Yes, you will probably have some rough days in between. I still have pain daily, but I have learn to manage it through many ways. There are some days I never know why I hurt more. I just take those days very carefully. I guess the hardest thing for me is I want to go out late at night and have some fun with friends. I seem to be a party pooper these days. Lol I want to go out, but my body says otherwise.
I am glad you found us because I think you will benefit from this forum. It really help turn my life around. I came very discourage and now I am full of joy living with fibro. I hope we see you around again.
Post Edited (ak angel) : 3/23/2014 11:47:12 PM (GMT-6)