Posted 6/30/2014 12:34 AM (GMT -5)
Ok long story long so find a comfortable seat. ... lol...... ok well, since I was a teen, ive always carried my tension in my neck. When I start tensing it starts on my neck & eventually moves down to under my right shoulder blade. Up until last summer, I would usually get someone to massage my neck & shoulders if I was getting tense. Most times that would head it off. But if it continued to my under my right shoulder blade, id take a flexeril or skelaxton twice a day for 2-3 days & all tension would go away & id be good for about a month or so & tjen repeat process.
Well last year, (about mid july) after probably the worst nonstop stress for close to 4 months (due to a mother-in-law coming to visit (live) with us for 3 months for the 1st time, which she does every year now...that should explain the constant stress level) anyways, I ended up for the 1st time having the tension move past my shoulder blade & all the way down to thw end of my spine & locked all my back muscles up!!! It was crazy,
So I went to my dr after my normal med routine didnt work & she recommended I go to a chiropractor. Well, I went, & about 3 months later, I really was positive that I had gone to the wrong place, but it was one of those Back/Health places where they recommend you need all these things, but really they just sell you for everything they can get your insurance to pay for.
Anyways, i went about twice a week. I'd jump on their "assembly line"/program, which included joint shots, decompression table, tens unit & finally see a chiro. Well, aside from noting ever really working that i could tell, i was definitely aware that the chiro NEVER could pop my back or my neck... seriously, not once for the whole 3 months... He just kept saying he couldnt cuz I was so tense, but it would eventually come.
Well during those 3 months of no relief, i also started getting sicker in other ways... brain fog, tired all the time, like all day. So my dr started to think somethig else was up & sent me to rheumatologist who afyer lots of bloodwork with everything negative, diagnosed me with Fibro.. I was like no.way. I just didnt believe it, but I knew I hurt so bad, my whole body ached, & I was dead tired all the time, plus quite a few othwr symptoms, so I went along.
I let them put me on amitriptyline, which they immediately took me off cuz id sleep for 2 days straight. Then it was Lyrica & Celexa (started those early november). Well, those meds didnt make me as tired as with the other one, but even so, I was still very very tired. Then all of a sudden i start getting swollen lymph nodes in neck at least every other week & when they were swollen i would be so tired it was like i had severe mono.
Fibro dr said it was part of the strangeness of fibro & id probably never know why.... well I never really got better, but the meds did mostly take the body ache away, & I was still so tired all the time that I was missing so much work. Like 2-3days a week.
Then in april the muscle tension came back like a vengence. (Mil was back again, & was here from Jan to end of March). Yes, neither Celexa, nor Lyrica, could stop my neck & back from locking up. My muscles were so tight &my body ached so bad I'd cry.
Finally, i said screw the cost & I went to a massage therapist. Well, she absolutely couldn't believe how tight I was all over. Literally my whole body, all the way to my toes. She Said it was the worst case she'd seen in 14 years of being a massage therapist... She recommended me to go to chiro, to which I said yea right, hell no & then I told her about the scam I went through last fall. She said she new a chriro that was the exact opposite & she gave me his info.
Well, I tried to wait it out but about 4 days later, I was worse so I said wth, and I went to see him. He popped my whole body that day righr then. He popped my back from top to bottom & he eased my SI joint pain with a hip adjustment &then it was neck time.... yall, I pulled my head out of my shoulders &it sounded like pulling on those straws with the extension section. And with that Crrrrrrrrkkk. Came IMEDIATE RELIEF!!! No joke, I literally felt all my muscles relax.
The he did side to side & he expalined that those 2 swollen &tender bumps at the base of my head was actually my "Atlas" (C1 & C2) being so very misaligned. He explained all the things those 2 misaligned vertabreas can cause you to go through... I was amazed... and almost every last sypmtom of a misaligned atlas (atlas subluxation) are exactly the symptoma of Fibro....
I went home &started youtubing chiro & fibro. I watched video after video of people telling thwir story of the fibro meds. And that those meds are actually only tested for 4-6 weeks & longer than that cam actually end up causing the very symptoms it is supposed to heal...
I wont go further on the youtube stuff, but I will admit I immediately quit the meds... something you shouldbt do, bad withdrawal, but I was only taking 100mg Lyrica & 10 mg Celexa at night. So I didn't drop hard, but I still went through 3 days of alot of pain & irritability.
Low &behold, after the 3 detox days, I sta4ted feeling better each day... I regained energy. I am not tired anymore. Im back to before this started a year ago.. Well, the muscle tension stayed & even got worse the 1st couple of weeks after starting, & continuing, the chiro.. But by the 3rd week my body quit fighting rhw adjustments. Its holding them much longer ow &I continue to improve every day...
Im telling my story because, regardless of whether chiro would cure you like it seems to have done me, I still amlmost positive that having someone check your alignment, ESPECIALLY THE ATLAS, &starting the process to get realigned, will help with sooo much with alot of you all's pain. I would so totally love it if my story &tip ended up helping anyone at all!.
Oh &BTW, while I did stop my meds and it seemed to be the best choice for me &my body, I just can't recommend anyone do the same, especially not without medical guidance to help & plan a much slower reduction of the meds. However, If youre adamant that you want to try to quit them, even if just to see what happens, then make sure you have researched everything yourself & thT you go to your dr & y'all work together the whole time..
Oh and last thing.... I also take adderall... have been takjng it for thw last 15 years... so imagine how.frustrated I was to learn that neither Lyrica, nor Celexa, mix well with adderall at all!!!! Taking the 2 together can have lots of adverse affects & I most definitely experienced many of them myself. And again, lots of those reactions are the exact same symptoms of fibro... strange huh???
ya know, all jokes aside, I wonder if anyone else finds it extremely disturbing, that absolutely NONE of the many doctors I saw this last year, not a one single one, ever recognized my symptoms as possible adverse reactions to the the adderall...