Posted 7/21/2014 8:33 PM (GMT -5)
The first medicine I ever went on was Savella, and it worked beautifully with very few side effects for over a year. Then I experienced what can happen with SNRI and SSRI is actually called "poop out syndrome," and means exactly that…it works well and then suddenly is not effective any more. My doctor explained that sometimes you need to cycle through a few different drugs to keep things working optimally. I went on Cymbalta next, and that was good too--until it stopped working as well about 9 months in. That was a very hard drug to come off…it took months of feeling like crap before the withdrawal effects wore off..dizzy, sick stomach, yuck yuck. It made me determined to see what my life would be like without any drugs at all for the FM. I limped through almost a year like that, but had to ask for pain meds (tramadol) for the nights the pain kept me awake, which was almost every night. This past spring my doc had me try noritriptyline, but that did nothing for the pain…made me sleep better but that was it. So the next step was to go back on what worked best for me, the Savella, which is actually the only drug developed specifically for FM. It is working well for me again and I am so happy to have my life back…almost. Like everyone else mentions, you never get completely out of the pain.