Posted 10/20/2014 5:46 PM (GMT -5)
Hello everyone;
My husband and I got on this sight because I have fibromyalgia and we are considering a move to Florida; put our house up for sale 3 weeks ago and no interest as of yet :( We live in Pennsylvania, have all our lives and are so sick of the winters.
Diagnosed with Fibro in February but have been dealing with it for over 20 years ( I am 54, to be 55 in January) and finally got a diagnosis. Due to the Fibro I cannot help with yard work or snow shoveling anymore. My wonderful husband even vacuums and mops for me. I also have Osteoarthritis and a bad back.
Anyway we just wanted to see if anyone had a better place Ha!! I did realize that no place will be utopia, you have an incurable condition and it goes where you go. I am so amazed at those who like the cold, that is so crazy to me by body hates the cold, I agree with the poor lady from Pittsburg that says she doesn't think she can live through another winter, I am with you sister!!!!
I cried this summer thinking of enduring another winter here.
I too did very well this summer thinking some changes I made helped (and they did but not as much as I thought) for when Fall hit I got a bad flare up - but we had been considering putting the house up and so there was a lot of stress too.
I just had to write too to encourage you folks to not give into this condition. When I was diagnosed as I said I live in Pennsylvania and my Dr. a Rheumatologist, sent me to a Fibromyalgia clinic in Lancaster Pennsylvania - it was a great help. They fashion a plan just for you. Occupational therapy (which for me was a waste of time) Physical Therapy, which was the biggest help and they also have a nurse talk to you, but I was already implementing dietary changes so she was not of great help. But the exercises they gave in the PT help A LOT - very gentle exercises I do every morning, in a flare up or not - it helps to keep moving even though you hurt. I also go on our elliptical machine for 30 minutes a day. If I am in a flare up maybe I can only do 20 but I do what I can.
Also change your diet!!!! I cannot stress that enough. I was just with my Rheumatologist a few weeks ago and he said he wished more people would be willing to change their diets instead of taking so much medication. The only medication I take is one Tylenol if the pain is bad. I cut out sugar ( get it naturally in fruit), white flour, preservatives (no prepackaged foods) now I have not gone organic that I do not do, that stuff is to expensive. But mostly I do meat, vegetables and fruit. You can actually go on line and find a good diet for Fibro, what is good and what is not, but everyone is different and what bothers one will not bother another as we see in the posts on this site. Also I had said to my husband one day "there has to be something that would be a natural muscle relaxant, so he looked it up on line and found "magnesium" folks this is WONDERFUL - even my husband is taking it. Now it does have laxative effects so you have to see how much you can take by mouth, I can only do 250 mg a day (I am a very small person) they recommend no more then 400 mg a day. But I found Epsom Salt lotion and I use that on my skin every night and I do soak my feet in Epsom Salt if I have had a really busy stressful day.
Also find a good Chiropractor, one that will take x rays and see if you have discs out in your neck or back. This has helped me tremendously - I really believe the diet and Chiropractor have been the biggest helps for me. Also massage is a good one too all these three have really cut down on my migraines - I can empathize with the poor woman who had 4 day headaches mine lasted 7 and I did not have much of a break between, I would lay in bed at night and just sob, saying to my husband "I cannot go on like this" I had tried massage but it only helped at the moment and sometimes brought on a flare up - found out with Fibro the massage must be gentle not a deep tissue - so the clinic turned me onto a "Theracane" a self massage tool - again use it gently - I made the mistake of pressing too hard and using it too much and caused yes a flare up. Nothing is a substitute for human touch but the Theracane is great you can also buy that on line too around 40 dollars.
And you have to know your limits - I used to walk 11/2 hours with my dog every day, I cannot do that anymore, if we walk it is with my husband and not that far. If you feel yourself getting tired take a break, I sit down and do relaxation, putting heat on my neck and back - I make fresh fruit salad every Friday, if I find myself getting tight in my back, I must go sit down and rest a bit. It seems dumb but it helps and avoids a flare up. We had walked one evening and ended up talking to some people on the way and I cannot stand in one spot for too long, well we were out too long and the next day I was done in could not do but 20 minutes on the elliptical and had to sit most of the day, but avoided a flare up.
But with the winter setting in (we had only 37 this morning BRRRRR) I have no idea how it will go, but have had a good run with few flare ups since the spring.
Hey if any of you want to move to Pennsylvania we have a nice house for sale. We did check out San Diego - absolutely ridiculous, they wanted $399,00 for a Studio, they have got to be kidding, we have a 3 bedroom 2 story with attic and basement 1 1/2 baths and in addition an apartment with a tenant that gives $400 a month to you as extra income. So far no one is interested for only $174,900, we live in Myerstown Pennsylvania on West Main and it is listed with Century 21 - it is a nice neighborhood close to a good school, and we do not have high property taxes, but for us it is a bit too much to take care of (hey we will even throw in a snow blower for $800 extra HA!!!)
Anyway my prayers are with each of you and if any of us can move or not I pray we all get more relief ( I to do not agree that Fibro is not progressive because my got worse with time also, but as I said I have found relief in some life style changes!!!)
Take care all of you!!!