Posted 8/28/2014 2:06 PM (GMT -5)
hi..i'm Kim. I was dx about three years ago after being told by a male dr that I needed to get divorced, a massage and de-stress, about in that order..and it was mostly in my head...
I ended up at the Cleveland Clinic after a separation, from dr. and husband (but he was right about a that at least) for pain management for a chronic rib nerve problem, where I was finally diagnosed with fibro. went through the Cymbalta and depression drugs. those made me feel worse, mentally. couldn't handle the pain AND mental instability on top of what I was going thru. :( so ended up back with nothing. but eventually ended up with a rheumatologist and on savella. THANK YOU to all who have answered my sweating dilemma!!!! :)) OMG!!! thought I was going crazy, as did a new/now ex boyfriend... I also suffer from migraines so take topiramate.
But I would like to add something...I started doing yoga after the separation. it DOES make a difference. exercise maybe not in general, but stretching and toning and breathing has been a HUGE help with posture and alleviation of muscle knotting, tenderness and overall feeling of overall terribleness and the cyclical merry-go-round that my life became due to fibro. Honestly, I thought that it (fibromyalgia) WAS a non-entity because it was still a controversial topic within the medical field that it was just a scape goat for 'we don't know what's wrong with you' to 'this isn't a real diagnosis, but we're going to milk your insurance as long as we can'...
But since the divorce was imminent and I had worked from home for 15 years, I had to go outside the house to seek employment with benefits. I'm 51. not a traditional-age employee and found it difficult to find a job, especially being gone so long. I now sit for 8 hrs a day, and worse, lost my 1-1/2hr 2x/wk yoga sessions. that's all it took. ( I find it EXTREMELY, no IMPOSSIBLE to get up at 5:30am to work out because sleep is my only friend, and 5:30-7:00pm is also difficult as I am a single mother and that's dinner time/after work/school w/ the kids...time just gets away from one. )
I thought fibro was bull. I no longer think so. the pain and agony that has returned is excruciating.. :(
But I'm not here to complain, you all have your own.. :( I just wanted to say that yoga helped me TREMENDOUSLY and as soon as I can find a happy medium I intend to get back ASAP.. I miss my tight abs and butt...but more importantly, the absence of pain and knots and overall well-being feeling that I found comes with it from a regular regimen...
Just wanted to put that out there... :)
good luck to all, and to all a better way of feeling!