Posted 8/30/2014 9:48 PM (GMT -5)
Hello dreamsoftravel,
Holy Cow, You need a medal of some type, Perhaps a national holiday named after you!!!!! That is a crazy schedule, but yet you do what you have to do because there are bills to pay and mouths to feed and the kids depend on mom. First, I just think your'e amazing and you should too. I work Full time as a store manager and I could not imagine that kind of commute and then coming home and being a parent. Kudos to you.
Now with that said, yes you need to find a new doctor. I know it is tough when the INS. company loves to make it next to impossible, but it can be done.
You are a person in pain, and you need to be treated with respect and believed by your doctor. You need some one whom is going to listen to you and be willing to try multiple things until something works for you. The important part is never stop searching. Something WILL work for you. Believe it or not I do not see my regular Dr. I fell in love with his nurse practitioner!!!! not literally of course LOL, but she is the one whom is willing to try different things for me. She listens, she suggests and then lets me decide. She always gives me a hug at the end of a visit. Talk about someone with bedside manner, she is amazing.
I take Tramadol for my pain which helps take the edge off and Sherrine whom you met above suggested the magnesium malate. I also stretch my muscles a lot during the day at work and I keep moving. I must have the cleanest at&t store in ohio!!!!! So do NOT give up the search, the pain of this illness as you know can be almost unbearable at times, Pain causes anxiety, anxiety and pain cause depression and depression causes more pain. It is just one big giant Ferris Wheel of misery until you find out what works for you. One good book I would like to suggest is Fibromyalgia Up Close and Personal. written by Dr. Mark Pellegrino whom has it himself. It is a great read, I think you would like it.
I do wish your job was closer, that has to be soooo exhausting alone and I see you live in Seattle, correct me if I am wrong , but it RAINS there a lot right? something else that is not fibro friendly, but you can not control some of these obstacles at the moment. Just know that you really can have a good life with this condition. I have not let this condition stop me from doing anything. I keep going and doing what I want. I call the shots and you will be able to as well. I am getting ready to go to South Carolina next week and I plan on boogie boarding, going to shops and having a BLAST. So first step for you. FIRE that DR. and search search search til you get a good one, use meds, supplements, stretching, walking talking to us and believe that you can feel better. Try to keep your stress to a minimum. When there is stress and drama going on around you feel free to use my new Mantra that I use at work. "Not my circus, not my monkeys" it makes me chuckle and puts me in a better mood. LOL
Do take care and please keep posting because we REALLY do care about each other here!!!
HUGS XXXX to you