Posted 9/7/2014 12:41 PM (GMT -5)
Louise74, your last sentence is spot on, "Stress is just a trigger for the illness that is already there." Also NextAdventure, your documentation throughout this forum has been excellent and informative. Although I already knew all of this, having finally been diagnosed after several years of pain, symptoms and wondering, and four doctors including a spinal surgeon for my DDD, a hand surgeon for my neuropathy due to a major injury/laceration to my hand and wrist, a neurologist who ran every possible test in the book (along with the spine surgeon who tried every treatment, procedure, etc possible) and psychologist who outright stated "you've had so many PTSD events so close together you never had time to heal from one before you got hit with another one" (deaths, starts/losses of many jobs, major move, marriages-2, divorces-2, accidents/injuries, illness/surgeries, menopause, family stuff, etc) over the course of about 30 years. Not to mention the pain and hurt from childhood that came up. But it was a rheumatologist that finally diagnosed me (via the neurologist) who after examining me for well over an hour, asked tons of questions and finally said "Darling, you have RAGING Fibromyalgia!" The sad thing was, I was ALREADY taking pain killers, neurontins and muscle relaxers by the time I saw the Rheumatologist and was STILL in horrible all-over body pain. She adjusted my drugs (I take a lot for other issues as well) and along with my PC put together a "cocktail" that works well for me daily. NextAdventure, you're right that meditation, prayer, yoga, etc can be helpful, especially for relieving stress, (and to keep from choking people to death), but I'll still continue to take my anti-anxiety meds, neurontins and painkillers as necessary, NOT overdo my physical activity, and take my other prescriptions as well due to other medical conditions that demand I do if I want to live, sleep and function normally (for a Fibro patient, that is!) As well as avoid stressful situations when possible AND keep my hormones in balance! Thank you so much for all the good information. Now back to my easy chair....