Posted 9/28/2014 2:49 PM (GMT -5)
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Well it has been a crazy week.!!!
As some of you may know I started a new job at the beginning of the school year. I quit my last job at the end of June and had the sumner off. It was wonderful to have the summer off. My fibro had been in over drive due to the stress at my last job so theg summer was a welcome relief.
I am now a para educator in an elementary school. I work with children with emotional, mental and physical disabilities. My hours are 9-3:30 which includes 1/2 unpaid lunch and a 1/2 paid break. I have been trying for years to get into the school systems, but especially since I was diagnosed w fibro I can no longer work a 40-50 an hour week job.
Unfortunately my new job is only contracted for a year while someone is on medical leave. My hope is now that I am in the system it will be easier to get other jobs offered in the school system. A few para educators will be retiring this year so I am keeping my fingers crossed I will get hired for a permanent job next school year....anyway this leads me to the point of my posts....
My new employer does not know I have fibro and I would like to keep it that way. When my friend passed away I did not have to take anytime off from work. Last Sunday night my bad knee gave out and I fell down the stairs. :( besides twisting my knee I was fine, so I thought, besides a few aches and pain. I missed work on Monday because the pain in my knee was too bad. I went to work Tuesday and Wednesday with a knee brace. Pain was still pretty bad, but wanted to make the effort at work.
I wanted to prove that I will not be out unless it Is absolutely unavoidable. I'm hoping I won't have a flare that keeps me home. We had Thursday and Friday off so I thought I would rest up. I actually slept most of Friday and Saturday...guess I am in a flare..
Thursday I did a lot of house work and at the end of the day my right foot ( same as my knee) was really starting to hurt and it wasn't Fibro. I went to the dr on Friday and I fractured my foot, as well, in the fall earlier in the week!! Know it is a walking cast/boot for 2 weeks. I will not miss work but boy are they going to be surprised!
I emailed my teachers so they wouldn't be surprised but to also let the know I will be able to do my job! Hoping they aren't second guessing me due to my injuries???
Praying my fibro flare will be minimal and I can rest when I get home from work!]