Posted 2/10/2015 2:17 PM (GMT -5)
When I first started seeing my current PCM, about 18 months ago, she did a whole battery of labwork to include the salivary cortisol test. She said (among other things!) I had adrenal fatigue and was low on progesterone & testosterone. (Makes sense since I had a total hystorectamy in '99 and they put me on an estrogen replacement, but nothing else.)
Anyway, my PCM works hand in hand with a naturopathic doc in the same clinic and they are the clinic's Fibro specialists. Between them they put me on a prescription progesterone cream, and over the counter supplements for the Adrenal Fatigue and testosterone deficiencies.
I'm sure there are several options out there, but the particuar ones they recommended as being high quality are Adrenotone by Designs for Health and DHEA by Douglas Labs.
I've been using this combo for about 18 months now and it's really helped get those levels back where they should be.
Good luck and have a blessed day!