Firefly- I truly believe your going through those symptoms. Many years ago I went through symptoms that would think I had lupus or another auto immune issue. My joints would swell to the point I would be in severe pain. My muscles would feel so weak that I just knew I might have ms. I could go on and on. I even went out of state to see another rheumy. All my test came back negative except for fibro, raynauds, hashmotos and low thyroid. It took long time to accept this diagnoses and not lupus or ms. Don't get me wrong I was so thankful I didn't have the others.
I finally decided to focus on my diagnoses they gave me. After time things got better. I was working at the time and I was another lots of stress. This could of been a reaction to all that stress. Once in awhile I will get some symptoms that were similiar in the past, but it stops and I go on with my daily life.
So yes, I do understand how you feel. If you continued to have doubt seek another Dr. for confirmation. Then it might put your mind at ease.
Firefly, do you take any muscle relaxers at night? This really made a huge difference in my sleep with a new memory foam mattress. I also take antidepressent that keeps your mind from racing at night. I use to have this problem. Now I sleep so well. Sometimes it just takes the right combination to make it work.
Post Edited (ak angel) : 2/9/2015 9:41:17 AM (GMT-7)