Posted 3/10/2015 9:09 AM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone,
I haven't been on in a while. I actually went four months without a flareup. A record. I'm having one now that came on with a vengeance. Is it possible to be so sensitive that daylight savings time triggered it?
The only thing that helps me sleep is a little valium. I take 2 mg. (or as much as 5 mg) at night before bedtime. My doctor doesn't want me to get addicted and will not be refilling an Rx. It's the only thing that works and even Dr. Weil speaks about a connection between valium, and it sometimes helping fibro. I stopped the valium for 6 nights (I did this about six months ago) and the same thing happened. By night 6 or 7 I was unable to sleep, feeling shaky and achey. I supplemented with Neuroscience Kavinace, Calm PRT, 5 HTP, and Gaba (all work to calming the neurotransmitters). Could the change have triggered this? Last night I was back to the valium but it didn't help much.
I also went back to the gym two weeks ago. Just two times a week of mostly stretches and floor exercises. Maybe it was that?
I have a holistic integrative doctor who wants to try immuglobulin therapy on me. Anyone try this?
We are a bunch of detectives on this board! Hope everyone is feeling good. Thanks for listening.
Fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, thyroid meds only