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Regular Member
Joined : Mar 2015
Posts : 72
Posted 5/21/2015 6:18 AM (GMT -5)
I don't know if that is grammatically correct or not, lol. Why do people have such a problem with the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia? There is a nurse in my church who says she doesn't like that diagnosis. That it is just something doctors say when they don't know what else it could be. I don't understand. You have a list of symptoms that pretty much everyone with this diagnosis has. The only thing it really responds to is XYZ treatment. Why do people care what it is called? Just because there isn't a blood test that says you have this syndrome does it make it any less real? In this person's case she isn't saying she doesn't believe there is an illness, but that she thinks that the name of the illness is an issue. Why do people have such a problem with Fibromyalgia?
Forum Moderator
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Posted 5/21/2015 9:07 AM (GMT -5)
For years Fibro has been called a "garbage can" illness. When doctors can't find anything wrong, they would slap the Fibro diagnosis on you. But now most doctors know better. It IS a true illness. It's not all in our heads. It is an accepted illness according to the American Medical Association, the American College of Rheumatology, the National Institutes of Health, and the World Health Organization...just to name a few. Fibro is finally being recognized as a true illness and that's huge. Plus there are many studies going on right now to try to find the cause which, once they do, they can find a cure.
Back when I developed this illness it was called fibrositis. That means inflammation of the fibers...muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They have since realized that fibromyalgia isn't an inflammatory illness so the name was changed to fibromyalgia which means pain in a muscle or group of muscles.
Plus, I think your friend is in denial. It's hard to accept an illness that doesn't have a cure yet and also an illness that what help works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. But being in denial only hurts her more. It's best to accept this and live life the best that you can.
Hope this makes more sense to you.
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Posted 5/21/2015 10:17 AM (GMT -5)
Fibromyalgia was looked on with suspicion at first with some in the medical profession. Since it is a condition that is not seen and can not be identified by a test, many will dismiss it as not real. For years, it as lumped in with Chronic Fatigue, both publicly imagined as a white woman, upper-middle-class condition. I also think the prevalence of people who state fibro as a reason for unemployment helps to drive the public perception as a 'fake' condition.
We know it is not a phantom, and that it is horribly debilitating.
I also do not think the TV ads for medications have helped much.
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Posted 5/21/2015 10:34 AM (GMT -5)
Its the old story, if she developes the disease it will suddenly become of our friends said she thought it was imaginary til she got it, then it became a competition that she had it so much worse than many lack compassion for others.. In main stream med you have still a mix of believers and non believers.
Because one of my sisters has a lot less pain with hers , then i am just dramatic. We have a genetic form from my mom.
People can be quite weird and judgemental. Call it what you want, we still have pain and fatigue that has to be worked through..some days the pain is manageable and others, not so much..
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Posted 5/21/2015 10:37 AM (GMT -5)
It is frustrating. My son has Tourette Syndrome. There is no particular blood test that I am aware of that says "It's Tourette's". The diagnosis comes from the symptoms. My daughter has migraines. As far as I am aware migraines are diagnosed by symptoms.
If you take 100 people who have widespread pain and start looking at their other symptoms, let's say for the sake of argument that 90% of them also have severe fatigue, muscle aches, tingly feelings throughout their bodies, foggy brain, etc., and no blood tests point out a specific disease or disorder, what does it matter what it is called? Call it Heebee Jeebee Syndrome for all I care. There is a definite problem that has a certain amount of the same symptoms in a majority of the people tested. Why are people so negative and up in arms that it is called Fibromyalgia?
I know I am preaching to the choir. I know that I am new to this. I know that Fibromyalgia is recognized as a valid health issue now more than any other time in history. So I am blessed in that way. I am just blessed with a PCP, Rheumatologist, and a Chiropractor who all believe in this syndrome, and they are looking for the best way to provide appropriate treatment for me so I can maintain life to the fullest.
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Posted 5/21/2015 10:43 AM (GMT -5)
JJM, I like what you say about
competition. So many times, instead of working together and giving support, it becomes a gameboard. The score is reckoned by how much pain you have, and the various problems you have. The ole "I have it worse because you don't have as much pain" statement.
There are different ways to manage and different problems, but difference is not really important here. What matters is support and understanding. If we cannot do this for people who identify as having this condition, how the heck are we to insist the general population believe?
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Posted 5/21/2015 12:41 PM (GMT -5)
Not to be rude to your friend, but it doesn't really matter if she likes the name or not. The medical profession has named it fibromyalgia. That is what it is called. If she had it, she wouldn't care what it was called; she would just want relief.
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Posted 5/21/2015 1:28 PM (GMT -5)
I used to think the doctor just told me "fibro" because they weren't smart enough to figure out what it really was in all honestly. I did a lot of research and talked to the really nice people here and only then did I truly realize they were right. I understand your friend not liking the name it's not easy to have an illness that some doctors are skeptical about
. You are being really supportive by coming here and checking in to it, just be there for when he/she needs your ear and hopefully they will learn what's going on. If it's fibro they will come around eventually and accept that before starting the fight against it.
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Posted 5/21/2015 1:50 PM (GMT -5)
I am sorry for the miscommunication. I have Fibromyalgia. I shared my diagnosis with a friend from church who is s nurse. I thought she would be supportive. Instead she let me know she disagreed with a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, that in her opinion it was a cop out diagnosis given when doctors don't know what else it may be.
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Posted 5/21/2015 2:06 PM (GMT -5)
It truly is not a cop out diagnosis...but many of us have more than one issue...our bodies are complex.
Just take it one day at a time and definitely come here when you need support...
Take care
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Posted 5/21/2015 3:35 PM (GMT -5)
Asdf, yes, you do have a choice to believe the diagnosis or not to believe it but that doesn't stop this illnesses from happening to you. Some people get the diagnosis and don't believe it and search their lives away trying to find what they do have. If this is your choice, go for it. No one is stopping anyone from making choices. We just try to give the best advice given our experiences with this illness.
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Posted 5/21/2015 5:18 PM (GMT -5)
I highly doubt that drinking salt water is a cure for Fibro. You might have been dehydrated and by drinking salt water made you thirsty and you drank more water. Being severely dehydrated can cause many problems in your body including fatigue.
It is suggested that we have no more than 2,300 mg of sodium a day and even less if we have high blood pressure. One teaspoon of salt contains your daily amount of sodium that you should eat. Then when you add salt in your foods...especially canned foods and processed will be way over what you should have. This can cause high blood pressure, kidney problems and other things. Here is a link explaining this.
I didn't respond to your thread about
the salt water because I felt it's your choice to do this. I personally don't think its a good choice. I think if you just continue to drink fresh, unsalted water you could get the same results and be healthier for it. Just my humble opinion.
Veteran Member
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Posted 5/21/2015 6:38 PM (GMT -5)
asdf-- Why so confrontational? I understand you feel strongly about
this, and that's terrific. I am glad you feel your regimen is helpful for your pain. But, getting angry at others who chose a different route is not useful. If you have research that is legitimate, then please post a link so we can all check it out.
We are all adults, and should treat one another with respect, even if we disagree with them. Sherrine is a moderator here, and filled with knowledge about
this condition, after battling it for years. Everyone is welcome to share, as I posted to you before. The moderators help keep peace, and vet the comments for accuracy. You can disagree with the source and the research, and you are able to make your own treatment decisions. But please refrain from attacking others.
Be well.
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Posted 5/21/2015 7:21 PM (GMT -5)
I'm glad you found something that worked for you asd, but not everything works for all of us. If you poll through everyone here you will find that not all of us can tolerate the same treatments, cures, diets, meds or anything.
If you found something that works for you, that is a great thing, but you cannot state irrevocably that something that worked for you works for everyone. Nor is there a great conspiracy of doctors who are trying to not cure the illness.
Forum Moderator
Joined : Apr 2005
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Posted 5/21/2015 7:36 PM (GMT -5)
Asdf, I'm glad you are feeling better but, if I recall correctly, you haven't been diagnosed with Fibro. You just think you have it.
Yes we do need sodium in our bodies but limited sodium. What you are doing could be very dangerous to you. It can dehydrate you, cause imbalances in your electrolites which can affect your heart rhythm and even cause death.
When people have pain they sometimes try anything for relief but I'm worried that you are hurting yourself. Did you read the link I posted for you in my last response to you?
If you were ever stranded in the middle of the ocean, you are told to NEVER drink the sea water. It will kill you!
Here is another link to further explain the problems you can encounter if you continue doing this.
Please try drinking only fresh, unsalted water. You might find that you get the same results and it's healthy for you.
Lastly, please calm down. You are an adult and you can do whatever you want to do with your health. No one here can stop you. We can only give advice. The advice I have given you is backed up with links from the National Institutes of Health. I'm just trying to help you. You will have to stop lashing out at members and me. We don't do that in this forum. I will start editing your posts because that is against forum rules.
I'm glad you are feeling better.
Peanut, I'm so sorry your thread was hijacked but I do think your question was answered. If not, feel free to start another thread. I'm locking this thread now so it doesn't cause problems. Thanks for your understanding.
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