Posted 6/1/2015 11:29 AM (GMT -5)
Fibro is just so odd, and it seems we get all kinds of weird symptoms! I really think I know what you mean, ak angel, about feeling like your tendons or ligaments are being pulled by a rubber band. I get that quite often, and have for years.
I also am prone to plain old muscle spasms. I take either Flexeril or Neurontin, and they seem to help.
You're doing the right thing by checking with your doctor. Before I was diagnosed, the neurologist thought I had something much more serious. But in the end, it just came down to the odd fibro symptoms, along with something else neurologically.
Our bodies seem to have a 'miind of their own' when it comes to fibro. I never cease to be surprised by the ever-changing symptoms.* I no longer worry about them, because they appear to be related somehow, and I check with my doctor regularly.
Today I have this weird little shaking thing going on above one eye. What's that about?
I should mention that I was told I have an additional 'something' going on neurologically, but nothing specific. I was told it could even be mild cerebral palsy. But it hasn't stopped me from trying to be active when I can. I think we just do what we can and give things our best shot. We're all affected a little differently, and I think we have to deal with any symptom that comes up, one at a time.
Have you, by chance, been doing more things outside, maybe, and could you have overdone it? I'm often guilty of that, and I find this time of year, I'm too "into" outside stuff, and forget to pace myself. My body is then not happy, and it seems that's when the pain, spasms, etc. are really active. In fact, today I told myself I have to focus on quieter indoor work, with just a short time in the garden.
Wishing you the best, ak angel, and will pray for you. Keep us posted. :)
*Edited to clarify: By the 'ever changing symptoms,' I don't mean anything dramatically changing (that should be checked out, obviously); just the small little quirks fibro give us.