Posted 1/5/2016 9:42 AM (GMT -5)
Just a word to please keep in mind (had to go back and remove the work "brief" lol)......As I read through the posts and conversations here, I realize how many of us don't have the benefit of a good medical professional guiding us through this twisted gnarled path we find our selves on. We are forced to be our own advocate in the search to find the map that works best with our individual paths.
I'm sure in the Fibro 101 page it probably addresses this but as I haven't yet gotten through all that fabulous, wonderful stuff to help me make my own map (are you winded yet from that run-on sentence?) I feel compelled to mention it here and now. ( BTW I am thankful and extremely appreciative to Sherrine for your all your great info, your positive support and constant encouragement to anyone who needs it)
Since we often need/want/experiment/take a much higher dose of vitamins than what the RDA suggest, I would like to stress the importance in knowing your vitamins solubility! Vitamins are classified as either fat soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K) or water soluble (vitamins B and C). This difference between the two groups is very important. It determines how each vitamin acts within the body.
Fat soluble vitamins, once they have been stored in tissues in the body, tend to remain there. This means that if a person takes in too much of a fat soluble vitamin, over time they can have too much of that vitamin present in their body, a potentially dangerous condition called hypervitaminosis (literally, too much vitamin in the body).
Water soluble vitamins are not stored in your tissues, your body uses what it needs and the excess is excreted out of the body through the kidneys. Of course there isn't such thing as "never and always" in the medicine, so there are some exceptions (like vit E), but that's it in a nut shell.
I know this is a long post and I probably lost half of you several turns ago but just please be careful when self-medicating (a necessary evil for all of us) with any herbal and vitamin supplement. Do your homework! Just bc it can be found in abundance doesn't mean we should take it in abundance.
**could't have said it better and more simply.....portions of this were taken from (