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"Widespread Pain" Description
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Tiger Tales
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Joined : Jan 2016
Posts : 3
Posted 1/18/2016 8:29 PM (GMT -5)
All the definitions for FM seem to use the term "widespread pain".
Post Edited (Tiger Tales) : 10/13/2016 2:17:03 PM (GMT-6)
Forum Moderator
Joined : Apr 2005
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Posted 1/19/2016 7:40 AM (GMT -5)
Fibro is diagnosed if you have pain in all four quadrants of the body. Many feel like they have the achiness if the flu and sometimes...especially if we overdo...the pain can be a sharp pain. Most of my sharp pain comes from ankylosing spondylitis and not Fibro. So, in my humble opinion, you have something else going and also possibly Fibro too. I'm not a doctor.
Your arm pain sounds almost like a trigger point problem. I had pain in my upper arm and eventually traveled to my shoulder and it eventually got so that I couldn't lift my arm above my shoulder or put it behind my back. I used the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook to see when the trigger points were that caused that pain, massaged those trigger points for several weeks, and my arm is now good as new. The same thing could possibly be going on with your legs too.
I bought the workbook off Amazon but I'm sure there are other places that sell this. It has diagrams and explanations as to where the trigger points are that cause the pain you are having.
Here is a link from the Mayo Clinic explaining widespread pain.
Veteran Member
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Posted 1/19/2016 9:29 AM (GMT -5)
Just sitting still right this moment, I have dull aching pain in both of my arms and in one of my legs. I also have an ache in one side of my neck. That's just sitting still, and most of the time I have learned to just ignore the constant aching pain. Also, the pain travels to pretty much anywhere there is a muscle. If I get up and move around, the pain changes to sharper, sometimes stabbing, sometimes burning. It's always different, and it moves around, but I always have pain at any given moment. I'm also sensitive to touch, not necessarily gentle touch, but a little more aggressive. For example, I used to be a teacher, and I got "poked" by children trying to get my attention many times a day. That kind of touch pressure causes a lot of pain for me. Any kind of repetitive motion can cause days long pain in the area that was used. I also have back problems and I easily get tendonitis. Don't know that fibro causes those problems, but it definitely aggravates any other kind of pain I have. I also have lots of muscle knots and tenderness. Sort of a nutshell descript
ion of what day to day pain is like for me.
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Posted 1/19/2016 3:34 PM (GMT -5)
I also have the overall achiness of feeling like I have the flu most days. I can usually ignore that, but it is almost always there. I also have sharper pains in my knee, shoulder, and elbow that is harder to ignore. Those are all areas that I have injured in the past, so I think my body "attacks" them more. I have skin pain to the point of almost feeling sunburnt most days and it gets worse when I am really tired or highly stressed. I also suffer from chronic headaches. When I wake up in the morning, my hands and fingers are so stiff, I can barely move them. All of this has so far been attributed to my fibro. I usually rate my pain on a scale of 2 to 3 most days and when I am in a flare, it is much higher than that. I hope you get your answers you need and feel better soon!
Forum Moderator
Joined : Apr 2005
Posts : 18470
Posted 1/20/2016 1:42 AM (GMT -5)
Tiger, you seem to have a lot of doubts about
your diagnosis. Why don't you get a second opinion as to what is going on? Your doctor could be missing something. It's worth a shot.
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