Posted 4/4/2016 3:56 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for responding. I have called our senior center, and yes they do have meals on wheels. My concern is their meals may not work well with my diet. I have to stay away from carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, rice, etc. I'm not big on throwing out food especially from a non-profit. I probably should see if they have a menu and verify, but I just assumed their meals would include those things.
I have seen a rheumatologist who was recommended for fibro. I saw my first one in 2005 in another state, but I was able to keep working, it wasn't as bad, but confirmed. I recently saw another one as I had a couple positive labs associated with Lupus (double strand DNA or something like that), but I don't have that given I don't have other labs that would confirm it according to the rheumy. We are still settling on fibro. I was prescribed Gabapentin, but I found myself losing my balance and being very startled by common sounds. I had also just started the antidepressant and klonopin so we could not tell what was causing what. I did not move forward with the Gabapentin, and those symptoms went away. The klonopin seems to help with sleep (which was why the rheumy prescribed the Gabapentin), but as with any med like that there are other side effects. I have concerns about becoming addicted or getting into that serotonin syndrome. I seem to not be a fan of taking drugs.
I have had back problems for 25 years, and always worked on them with exercise. A couple years ago my orthopedic doctor sent me to a pain clinic where I tried epidurals, facet blocks; probably four or five over a two year period. They just didn't do much to address the head to toe pain associated with fibromyalgia.
What kind of medication do you take that has allowed you to walk all over? I have tried norco for my back, but I didn't like the side effects. I do take ibuprofen occasionally, I have concerns about taking it daily. I also take magnesium, fish oil, probiotics, etc., it does get expensive.
I did finally see an endocrinologist a year ago who did find I had hypothyroidism and taking that hormone has helped, especially with back pain. My pain doctor said the thyroid issue explained a lot. Also taking Vits B12 and D have helped. I had never had those tested, and I was low.
Yes, I believe I kept things a bay with a lot of exercise, I was always very active, but it seems the past couple of years I just don't seem to find the mental stamina to force myself; maybe I have given up? In November I decided to see a psychiatrist and started an anti-depressant again, with no effectiveness he add lithium to boost it. After five months I'm not seeing any results or changes. The lithium aggravates the thyroid and the endo increased my levothyroxine.
As far as cleaning, I think I let things go for so long I am overwhelmed and the small efforts just don't make a dent. I need to find some help and I have to work on doing that.
I read Fibro 101 and the other link (the one you said you bumped up today) last night, I was on the site all night when I could not sleep and read quite a bit. I finally posted around 5 a.m. after I was looking to see if there was a thread addressing getting help for daily living issues. I've been reading and researching for years.
I believe my depression is very bad and could be the biggest part of my issues right now, but meds can't do much for it because it comes from not being physically able to do much. The depression has led to so much more isolation.
A lack of energy seems to bother me more than pain and weakness. I was better able to deal with pain, but I can't work through the fatigue. It has just been difficult to keep up with the fight and maybe I have just given up. It has been such a constant battle with not a whole lot of results.
Thanks again, Laproch (I don't know how or why the "h" got cut off, but it's no big deal)