It's odd, but I got better for a while, then things sort of leveled out, then the roller coaster of sometimes better; sometimes worse.
Generally, cooler weather is worse for me, but my fibro has actually gotten worse this past Spring. However, (important!) I'm almost double your age, and also have another neuro condition, so maybe it's actually the neuro part acting up and not the fibro. I don't think fibro generally gets worse, but we all get older (someone correct me if I'm wrong on that 'fibro doesn't get worse' part).
The key is to wake up every morning and see how you can best manage things. Pace yourself. Don't overdo working, even if you're enjoying yourself (for example, gardening).
I may be getting older, but I still have many goals and will continue to have them til I leave this earth! We need things to look forward to; even small victories or things like enjoyable hobbies, including new hobbies or interests, pets, reading, music, etc. and those friends and relatives who understand we have a chronic condition.
Keeping a journal is something many people with chronic illness do, and it's a good place to vent. Posting here is another good place to vent, ask questions or just see how others are handling things.
Sometimes, small steps can replace things we can no longer do well. For example, if you can't go for a walk, can you exercise indoors? How can you get more steps in your day?
I don't like being shut up inside, either, but I live in a very cold winter climate, and have to work around that. The key is to keep busy, I think. Prayer and my faith are 'way up on my list, too.
Is there a fibro support group near you, maybe at the local hospital?
You could always sound off to your doctor and ask for ideas, too. Rheumatologists and neurologists can be helpful sometimes, too.
We never know what tomorrow or next week or month will bring. One step at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time. Try hard to stay positive. Best wishes! And post away here----we do understand!