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A Brand New Year!
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Forum Moderator
Joined : Apr 2005
Posts : 18470
Posted 1/1/2017 8:54 AM (GMT -5)
Happy New Year everyone! This is a new year and we can start out fresh with dealing with our health problems and enjoying our lives at the same time. Yes, it can be done!
We don't need our family and friend's permission as to how to live our lives. Members have indicated this in their posts in the past. It's OUR life and we do know what is best for us. We know our body better than anyone. We know what could cause us more pain and we know what can help us too. Life is made up of choices and we have to make the best choices for ourselves and not worry about
what others think.
I personally don't discuss my health with others. It's not their business to begin with. I live my life to the fullest and am amazed at the things I have done that I thought I couldn't do! I always try to do things instead of convincing myself I can't do it. I'd rather look back at my life and say, "I can't believe I did that!" instead of saying, "I wish I had done that".
So, in this new year ahead, decide to live your life with joy and anticipation! Don't let illness control your life. Plan fun things and don't "expect" a flare if you do things. We don't know the future so many times those nasty flares don't happen. And, if they do, the enjoyment and memories are worth far more than the few days of discomfort. I am speaking from experience. I have been dealing with fibro for almost 29 years and other illnesses for even longer. I could have had a pretty miserable life if I had chosen to go that route. (There is that word again...choice.). Instead I chose to keep a positive outlook and live my life to the best of my ability. I have experienced so many wonderful things because of this and you can too!
Having a positive attitude makes you happy and far less stressed. We all know what stress does to us. When you are happy you smile a lot. There have been studies that have shown smiling lowers the adrenaline and cortisol levels and raises the endorphins that help us feel better. Plus smiling makes other people smile also. A smile can change how people perceive you. I know I don't want to be looked at as being sickly. I would much rather be looked at as being a strong and determined woman who deals with whatever life dishes out to me. These types of choices have helped me live successfully with illness.
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed new year ahead of you. Don't think about
illness all of the time. It does not and should not define you. Take control of your life and think about
living an enjoyable life instead. Put on that beautiful smile of yours and take one day at a time and live your life to the fullest! I know you will be surprised at what you can accomplish and the enjoyment and great memories you will have. Your accomplishments will make you pat yourself on the back and smile even broader! Have a HAPPY new year ahead!
Veteran Member
Joined : Apr 2008
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Posted 1/1/2017 9:53 AM (GMT -5)
Very inspirational, Sherrine, and very appreciated. Excellent points!
I hope you and everyone here have a happy, healthy, and blessed new year. Every day is a new beginning.
Veteran Member
Joined : May 2014
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Posted 1/1/2017 2:57 PM (GMT -5)
Happy new year!!
We went out and still had fun..even though i was having one of my off days..we have old friends we always see at new years for unless we have virus or blizzard..we brush ourselves off and go!
I was more tired than most new years, but we still enjoyed starting our new year together.
Wishing everyone a great new year!
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Joined : Nov 2008
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Posted 1/1/2017 4:04 PM (GMT -5)
I was puttering around as usual at midnight, but did take note of 12:00. Somehow, I'm always glad when I notice the changing of the year...silly, but hey - it's the little things!
A time to renew hope!
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Posted 1/2/2017 9:50 PM (GMT -5)
Happy New Year! New hope, new slate, new beauty to find.
Veteran Member
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Posted 1/9/2017 1:45 AM (GMT -5)
A belated Happy New Year to all ! Thanks Sherrine for an inspirational post!
We celebrated our new year with our first grand child. We traveled by pick up truck for 3 days to meet the little guy. Did I hurt? You betcha I did. It was worth ever minute of discomfort. And to freezing weather. Yuk! And I celebrated my 71st birthday along the way.
I intend to enjoy life as much as possible. I too try to ignore the pain I have.
Veteran Member
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Posted 1/9/2017 2:47 AM (GMT -5)
Happy new year to all.
Its just cold is making me achy all over again .
I try to distract myself.
Anyways hope new year brings joy and peace for all.
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Joined : Feb 2014
Posts : 231
Posted 1/9/2017 8:53 PM (GMT -5)
I wasn't feeling well but went out anyway New Years Eve. The seats we had were the high ones. I am short and struggled to get in the chair and struggled to stay on it. This was not good for my body. Next day was sore.
It's so hard to move like they want you to because it hurts! It's a vicious cycle. I am overweight to begin with and I know doctors are saying if she'd only lose weight she'd feel better. I know that. But moving hurts. My back hurts. The muscles in arms hurt. I am super tired all the time. My doctor says I'm "managing" my fibromyalgia. I'd like more managing it I'd like relief but it's not happening.
My husband is very active and does a lot of the things I should be doing. That sucks.
I wish for us a cure this year.
I met a woman who has fibromyalgia and is taking care of her husband who has Alzheimer's. She prays for energy to take care of him. It's been 10 years.
Forum Moderator
Joined : Apr 2005
Posts : 18470
Posted 1/10/2017 9:27 AM (GMT -5)
Hallahan, you CAN lose weight when you have fibro. I know it hurts to move but it hurts even more when you are carrying too much weight! It hurts those muscles, tendons and ligaments. I lost 85 pounds while having fibro and now feel a lot better with less pain! Think about
how much you are verweight and then think about
putting that amount of weight in a suitcase and trying to carry that around all day long. You KNOW you would be exhausted and your muscles would hurt!
I kept moving by walking. I know you can walk because you managed to walk and climb stairs to get to your concert seat. I also counted carbs and and didn't eat more than 120 carbs per day. This is so easy and you can eat anything you want...but keep the carbs under 120 a day. If you want to know more of what I did, just email me and I'll send you the information.
My back has hurt me since ninth grade. That's a lot of years ago. The muscle relaxer has helped me a lot with this. I now can move with far more ease and I sleep much better too. I was being awakened by back pain several times a night. I also do Trigger Point Therapy on myself and that helps with back pain too. You do have to be an active participant with this illness. Sitting back and hoping gets you nowhere. You have to face fibro in the eye and take back what it's trying to steal from you! It can be done because I've done it. isn't that difficult to do! Keep a positive outlook and expect each day to be a good one. Focus on living your life and not on pain.
If you are still having tremendous pain, do see your doctor or, better yet, get a second opinion. A good board certified rheumatologist who treats fibro patients would be a good choice. Check the doctor out first befor making an appointment. Remember...50% of the doctors graduated in the lower half of their class and yours could be one of them. Misdiagnosis happens with fibro so be sure you know what you are working with.
Have a good day!
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