Total Newbie.
Please don't feel bad about
repeating what you've heard. I am truly sorry for the way ppl have stigmatized you and all of us. I had the same primary care doctor for 16 years and always suffered from those knots in the back even then. I was finally diagnosed with anxiety and he at the time insisted I was depressed) That was when I was in my 20's and I refused to accept that as well. He wanted me to try antidepressants but it made me feel depressed instead. So, I stopped taking them under his advisement and continued to see him for years about
my widespread pain, never once Fibromyalgia was even considered because back then...fibro was depression and anxiety with "tense muscles". Was taking muscle relaxers but felt drugged. So then it was Tramadol, which did help a little for little time. He knew me well so he was definitely right about
my anxiety, and suggested therapy. (There goes that initial indication or what I perceived as "all in my head for years) but there's way more to it and I didn't stop looking for answers and relief. His patience and care to find an answer was important for him and I knew he cared. So, we kept an
open dialogue and I did my routine follow ups, blood work, etc. I wasn't even married for 1 year and I was in two back to back car accidents with in the same month. The first was me hitting the back of someone's car at 5-7 mph so I didn't think much of it, but then I hit a deer head on! Both happened to be on my way to my favorite career I had at the time. I went to what I thought was a physical therapist because that's what we worked on me for and what I thought would help. It did help prove I had something physically wrong according to him (visually could see my back's muscle spasms, so he sent me off to get an X-ray. As I waited for the X-ray to be done I sobbed in pain. My hands were numb, my fingers tingled, and I was scared. Can you believe that the doctor there sent me back to my "PT" without giving me the X-ray!?! My PT was shocked but was like, "oh well". Come to find out when the bill came from the insurance, I wasn't covered bc he wasn't an actual physical therapist but a Chiropractor!!! Grrr! I vowed to never see someone from the phone book or took their word regarding their credentials ever again. But, I am now 35 years old and will not see another doctor other than my primary care doctor, again unless he refers me. Even though he referred me to a rheumatologist, that rheumatologist did nothing but push on my tender points (I displayed pain in 14/18, I think at the time), he gave me no diagnosis. It was not until I did my own research about
my symptoms and read forums like this that I brought it up to my doctor, myself. Ps..don't try to self diagnose from what you hear or read or you'll go nuts. But...after asking him if this could be Fibromyalgia after all these years and my accident (trauma:physical and emotional) he did some further research of his own and I was finally diagnosed on 4/8/2013. The relief I felt for finally having a name for what I felt, lifted literally the weight off my shoulders. It all started to make sense. Every symptom, since I was a child screamed I suffered from this all along. Myofacial pain, anxiety, IBS, ovarian cysts... (I wrote my pain history down, back to when I was a young child and will post it tomorrow to see if anyone can relate or find it helpful. It is pretty detailed and may have some important trauma I've experienced, left out on purpose, but it's honest). I have also been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and mild Graves' disease last August. Which would not have been discovered if my special doctor/framily hadn't been on top of his research and had me see a neurologist. These labels sound scary but it gives you relief to know you're not a hypochondriac and shuts up others who say you "look fine"! I moved when I got married and tried seeing a primary care doctor he referred me to closer to me. Sent her all 16 years of my medical records and do I believe for one second SHE read any of it? Even after being diagnosed she did a routine physical exam and said she'd cb w/ results and when to come back. She never called me with my results. She tried getting me in for another appointment for additional testing and wouldn't help me or my other doctor in continuing my Cymbalta and pain meds. She already "stigmatized me" as a pill popper and felt she could care less. Needless to say I didn't go back. I am super fortunate that someone of my generation has had the same doctor for so long, also bc I live way west of Chicago and cannot find a local doctor that specializes in Fibromyalgia. It's far enough of a drive when in pain to see the doctor I refuse to loose.
Words of advice...don't quit and get multiple opinions. Try not to google yourself to stress and self diagnosing, but do ask a doctor if you're worried or believe you (not them) may found the answer. Find a doctor that spends more than 15-20 minutes with you and is genuinely interested in helping you. Then hold onto them tight. But they too are human and like Sherrine said, those doctors are stuck in the dark ages. You may have to be the one to inform them. Then ask for your money back. Lol!
Thank you for venting bc I haven't done so myself in a while but can now bc I have a current form