Posted 5/27/2017 7:58 PM (GMT -5)
So I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for many years. I certainly have a wide array of symptoms that one could attribute to fibromyalgia, including the widespread pain, widespread allodynia, fatigue, brain fog, waking unrefreshed, headaches, depression and cramps in lower abdomen (but I also have PCOS and IBS).
However, I have come to realise that if I take opioids for the pain at night, and strong prescription anti-inflammatories during the day, that pretty much knocks out most of my pain, except for a line of pain going from my outer hip to my interior knee. Even with these meds, if someone touches me, or I cross my legs or make some other physical contact, it will cause me pain, so it is clear that there is still allodynia even on the medications. Also avoiding gluten helps significantly with all the symptoms (I did not find out that I had Celiac till a few years after the fibromyalgia diagnosis). But is it fibromyalgia if the widespread pain and brain fog diminishes 80-85% with a combination of gluten-free diet, opioids at night and anti-inflammatories in the day?
I would like to note that, due to concerns that I might develop an addiction, I restrict the use of opioids to 2 times per week and never one night after the other. The day after a night when I have taken the opioid is significantly better, but the other 5 days of the week, I really struggle.
Paracetamol and antidepressants do not help my pain. Lyrica cut the pain in half when I trialled it, but it caused horrific side effects, including hallucinations, mental breakdown, inability to eat without vomiting and sleeplessness.
I have also noticed that a lot of the pain emanates from my spine. If it is touched in the wrong way or wrong place, the pain comes from there and goes over my whole body, with sensations of knives stabbing me and cobwebs forming under my skin.
I also get a lot of problems with my eyes - floaters, temporarily blurred vision, etc. Many other symptoms of other body parts too, too numerous to name.
Anyway, this is all very confusing and I guess I'm questioning my diagnosis, particularly as they did not do proper testing before diagnosing me. The GP ran a couple blood tests then diagnosed me based on: symptoms, the last 6 months of my life had been traumatic, it started with a terrible flu, and the government needed proof NOW that I was unable to work (and they demanded a diagnosis) otherwise they would cut my pension.