Thanks LJM
I appreciate your replying and positive thoughts and suggestions.
I have a duel problem. I also have sleep apnea. Really bad.
I don't go to sleep. I fall asleep. Like one moment awake and
the next I'm waking up in the middle of the night. Having not
put on my CPAP I don't get REM sleep. Not getting a good night's
sleep means that my fibro pain is much worse the next day. The
added pain makes it hard to get a good night's sleep... around and
I came up with the idea of combining my MedCenter clock (sold
on Amazon) with my CPAP machine waking me up to remind me
verbally to turn on my CPAP machine AND put the mask on. But
I can't get CPAP manufacturers to make it. I don't want to get
into being an inventor because I don't have those skills. I just
want and need the end product.
Anyway, when I can I turn off the TV, turn off the lights, put my
CPAP on and listen to soft music to go to sleep. But at best that
is only about
25 percent of the time. I have also heard that
untreated sleep apnea has been linked to Alzheimer's disease.
I am also having memory problems. Especially short term memories.
Especially short term memories. I am also having memory problems. LOL
Anyway, I take non-opoid pain medications like Lyrica and Tramadol. I don't
know if they cause dream problems but I literally can't live without them. Without
them I am constantly miserable and can't do anything.
Thank you for your empathy. So many people read this thread and did not
comment. I appreciate you just commenting so that I don't feel so alone in
my suffering.
I am a Christian and I do pray often. If someone was ever healed from fibro.
I might have some faith that it could happen to me even though I know that
God could do it. But I realize that God has His reasons for my situation.
Please let me know if you try hypnosis. I have tried Mindfulness but it only
helps for short periods. That is a lot like self-hypnosis.
I sleep in a recliner because I have not yet found a bed that I can sleep in.
If it does not give enough my shoulders and hips and lower back hurt to the
point that I have to get up. I can't afford the beds that move into a raised
head, raised feet recliner-like position.
When I have a nightmare (weekly) I flail my arms and legs knocking objects
off of the table next to my recliner making a mess. Once the recliner fell over
backwards and I was left upside down in a position I could not get out of and
making it hard to breath. Yelling, my wife saved me. I have put a stool behind
my recliner so that that cannot happen again.
When having these dreams I also make noises and scream for help that
wakes up my wife in the other room. The effect must be scary for her and
I am glad sometimes that we don't sleep together as I might hurt her.
So any way, sleep apnea combined with fibro. is a real mess. I just wish
someone would invent the alarm clock to remind me when my CPAP is not
on and mask is not on. I also have "middle of the night insomnia which a
lot of people have.
Anyway, thanks again for your thoughts and positive suggestions!
I really, really, really, really, really appreciate it! I wish more people were
as nice as you. 42 views so far an only you were nice enough to comment.
I appreciate your being my psychiatrist for the evening.
Coach Patrick
Post Edited (Coach Patrick) : 8/1/2017 9:45:55 PM (GMT-6)