Thank you, Sherrine, for the various links. I actually looked through your links even before I started posting, and I have read a lot of this same kind of information in my own online research, but I guess what I'm asking is why we should necessarily accept the current medical opinion and dismiss the newer research. I'm doing that with the assumption that people here must be familiar with this newer research, but if not, I'm talking about
/ From that link, the research revealed "the discovery of a major set of differences in cell-mediated immunity in the fibromyalgia group versus the healthy patients. And this discovery was opposite to what was anticipated. Specifically, while fibromyalgia patients are often considered to be 'hyper/overactive responders,' we identified that the fibromyalgia patients had a depressed immune system and, therefore, were more susceptible." And this, "This disorder relates to the production of protein molecules called cytokines by a certain type of white blood cell."
This is where the new(ish) blood test comes in, checking these cytokines for this specific pattern. From what I've gathered, some have objected to the test on the basis that some other conditions also affect cytokine patterns, such as lupus and RA, but according to these researchers, the specific pattern of cytokine production differs in fibromyalgia which is why they've been able to get such startlingly accurate diagnostic results.
The newer research actually categorizes fibromyalgia as an "immunological disorder" and not an auto-immune disorder, which I guess is not really the same thing. I'm trying to figure out if auto-immune disorders are a sub-category of immunological disorders, but I don't know whether they are or not. That's not clear to me in anything I've found yet. But I'm still kind of expecting them to eventually classify it as auto-immune. Just my gut feeling, though.
I don't know if these musings are appropriate here or if people even care about
this kind of thing when they just want some relief, and whatever promise this new research might hold, if any, won't be available for a long time to come. But it's interesting to me. And I thought this might be a place to find others who are also interested.