Posted 10/25/2017 11:37 AM (GMT -5)
Hanginin, I do not know what mg of Baclofen you are taking, hopefully it is 5mg.. The zombie feeling should go away in a week or two. If you on a higher dose contact your dr & ask for a lower dose, or ask if you can cut them in half. It takes awhile for the Meloxicam to kick in & should be taken with food so it doesn't mess with the stomach.
I have chronic sinus issues have discovered that saline works very well for a nose spray. I can flush my sinuses out much better with saline, helps put moisture in the nose & washes out the pollens. It is inexpensive & I go through a lot, lol. I am having great luck with an OTC for my sinus situation.
I do not have Fibro, however I have many issues that have resulted in chronic pain for a good 30 years. I had to accept how chronic pain can change my outlook on life & the limitations. Myself & many others have learned how distraction helps, anything to occupy my mind other than pain. I stopped years ago starting my day thinking about how bad I felt just trying to get out of bed. By me doing that, I automatically set the tone for my day & it was not pretty. Instead I get up & not go there. I basically was shooting myself in the foot before my day actually started. Instead I concentrate on the things I still can do & remind myself quite often there are a lot of people in this world a whole lot worse than I am. Coming here to Healing Well & reading helps me keep a better perspective of things.
Have you tried Melatonin for sleep, this may be something to try. There is nothing in it to harm you. A friend of mine had been on Ambien for 13 years. Because of the hype her dr cut her off, no warning nothing. She took Sleep Time by Tylenol PM, without the Tylenol in it. Worked like a charm when everything else failed. I bought some & used it for 2 weeks & managed to turn my internal clock back on. I had been sleeping anywhere from 2-4 hours per night for years. It took a huge toll on my body because I was so sleep deprived. I now sleep 8 hours a night without anything. Anyway just wanted to give you some ideas.
I hope you get to feeling better. Take care.