Posted 4/11/2018 7:38 AM (GMT -5)
No, I don’t wear a belt. I have never heard of them. Besides, my skin is very sensitive and a belt would not only be irritating to me but would hurt too.
I use Robaxin which is a muscle relaxer and ibuprofen and Tylenol for the pain. This has worked well for me. Before taking these, I could hardly lift my foot an inch off the floor to just take a baby step. The pain was excruciating and I would have tears streaming down my cheeks when I had to walk to the bathroom. I needed two canes to walk and I thought I was going to have to sell my home and go into assisted living. I even went to the extent of not eating or drinking much so I wouldn’t have to use the bathroom because the pain was so unbelievable when I tried to walk. Stupid!
I started the ibuprofen again and started searching about Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is like a rheumatoid arthritis of the spine, and also sacroiliitis and discovered the suggestion of Robaxin to help with pain on a National Institutes of Health site. I asked my rheumy if he would prescribe it, he did, and I got my life spades! I haven’t felt this good in years.