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Wifi and sleep
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almost medfree
Veteran Member
Joined : Jan 2004
Posts : 2570
Posted 5/5/2018 11:11 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Everyone,
I came across another article this morning that talked about
how harmful Wifi can be. Wifi not only can cause cancer, but it can also affect the melatonin in our bodies--the hormone that helps us to sleep.
You might be wondering what all this has to do with fibromyalgia. When I am lacking sleep, my fibromyalgia symptoms are worse the next day.
We turned off our Wifi on our router and on our I-phones a few months ago and we are now only hard wired.
I would be interested to know what you think.
Forum Moderator
Joined : Apr 2005
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Posted 5/5/2018 3:24 PM (GMT -5)
Almost, I think you read too much. If you look hard enough, nearly everything can cause cancer. There are so many scare tactics out there and I will not subject myself to them. It’s a good way to live in fear and misery. Instead, I have peace and joy.
My router is in my bedroom...about
ten feet from my head...and it is always on. My IPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch are all being charged on my desk in the kitchen. I also sleep with the television on...something they say never to do. Guess what? I get 7 1/2 hours of sleep a night.
I do know having a cell phone against your head for many hours a Day is linked to cancerous tumors but it has to be up to your ear. People can’t seem to function without a cell phone glued to their ear. These are the ones who could have the health problems with them.
The worrying about
everything can make you lose sleep. I’ve said this to you before...relax!
almost medfree
Veteran Member
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Posted 5/5/2018 4:02 PM (GMT -5)
Perhaps there are people who do not read enough? Friendly warnings should be of no issue in this forum. As you know, it's a very good feeling when you can reach out and help others, get them thinking, and like I've mentioned before--encourage them to see that being their own best detective when it comes to what small improvements they might be able to make in their lives naturally is something to be proud of.
I agree that there are scare tactics out there and a person has to be very careful about
what they believe. That's why it's best to check reputable websites and then cross check. And even if a some websites are not 100 percent believable, there is the possibility. That does not cause me fear or misery. It empowers me.
A person can be very relaxed, as I myself am, who decides to advocate for others and gathers other's opinions.
I am very thankful for all that I have and I love to encourage the idea of being proactive in others.
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Posted 5/5/2018 4:27 PM (GMT -5)
“Friendly warnings” aren’t an issue on this forum. I didn’t edit your post, did I? You are the one who asked what we thought and I was honest with you. Reading all this stuff all of the time can cause some people to be apprehensive about
many things...things they really don’t need to be worried about
. I know because I developed major anxiety issues by reading a lot of Medical articles. Much is proven to be false. I improved health wise when I stopped reading all of the myriad articles that are out there.
I do believe in everything in moderation. I watch how much I’m on my iPad and I don’t use my cell phone except to text. People who have a cell phone at their ear all day long could run into problems. I d think children should not be allowed to play video games for hours a day so I do agree with that. But I don’t think it’s necessary to shut off all WiFi to be safe. I know I have no problem sleeping with all the WiFi items I have.
Veteran Member
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Posted 5/7/2018 5:50 AM (GMT -5)
I have always wondered about
all this wireless stuff around us. I, like many others, are sort of addicted to it now.
But I think your thinking about
these possibilities is a good thing!
I wish I were more disciplined to not use some of this stuff.
Forum Moderator
Joined : Apr 2005
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Posted 5/7/2018 7:49 AM (GMT -5)
What bothers me is the fact that nothing is proven even though studies have and are being done. Microwaves give off radiation but we still use them because it’s minimal exposure.
Another thing that bothers me is that we have quite a few members with health anxiety issues and his type of post definitely can cause more anxiety issues for them. The original post was stating this as fact, and it isn’t. These are the scare tactic-type things we should learn to avoid...especially using the word cancer! It is good to check reputable websites as Almost said, but I don’t think it was done in this case.
My favorite reputable website is the Mayo Clinic site. They put things in plain language. Here is what they have to say on this issue. I think most will be relieved.
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