Posted 8/13/2018 2:39 PM (GMT -5)
Hi, Im mostly on healingwell inthe 'Lyme' category.... id like to share my story because I was MIS-diagnosed, for YEARS, that I had fibromyalgia...In fact, I currently have 2 Drs saying its fibromyalgia, even though Im being treated by a Lyme literate Dr. Who is a microbiologist & focused studies on infectious diseases.
My immune system doesnt react to the Lyme disease standardized tests, that look for your own bodies imune reaction. Its similar to what happens when people get a HEPb vaccine but the immune system doesnt produce antibodies for it. This lack of response of/by the immune system results in MANY people being mis-diagnosed, or being told its fibromyalgia.
The proper term for this DIS-ease should be chronic immune disfuntion(caused by inflammation).
Theres no test to prove fibromyalgia, right? Its a clinical diagnosis...the same goes for Lyme and co-infections due to false negative tests...
Lyme disease needs to be renamed because the LARGE majority of Lyme patients are not only battling lyme infection, but other bacterium, viruses, parasites, fungals, and environmentals. Lyme patients have essentially 'collected' infections of many types over the years. The result of what Ive described, is fibromyalgia.
PLEASE insist that your Dr. tests for reactivation of all the human herpes viruses> EBV, CMV, HHV6, hsv1 & 2 etc. The best lab to use to test for bacterial infectiins is one that looks for the dna of each strain>'DNA connexions'. Two other vital routes of testing> 1) mold exposure, 2) heavy metals toxicity.
IMO, MD's only rely on the standardized blood tests such as the CBC and metabolic panel. Unfortunately, by the time your dis-ease has effected you bad enough that it shows up in those blood tests>at that point, its not reversable.
Tests that look for the melanocyte stimulating hormone, and human growth hormone can reveal how advanced the dis-ease state is. The list of helpful tests requires another post.
Anyhoo, yes fibromyalgia is real;BUT its REALLY chronic inflammatory immune disfunction