Posted 12/1/2018 5:12 PM (GMT -5)
Hi, Bigcase, and welcome! You seem to have the hallmarks for fibro but I sure would want to have tests run to rule out lupus, Lyme and other illnesses that have many of the same symptoms as fibro. A good board certified rheumatologist can do that for you.
You can help with your trigger points by using trigger point therapy. What you do is when you find a tender trigger point, press on it as hard as you can stand and then massage the area. Repeat and then go on to the next trigger point, etc. Several hours later, go back and repeat with the trigger points you found. They shouldn’t be as tended and, within a few days, those trigger points should be a lot better. They are like little knots and can be causing pain in parts of your body. I fixed a frozen shoulder using this technique. The trigger points were found in my chest wall going from the sternum to the shoulder, then there were some on top and behind my shoulder and lastly some were along my neck vertically. Once I calmed down those trigger points, my shoulder got better!
You probably are wondering how I knew what to do. My massage therapist has studied this, along with studying how to massage clients with fibro and myofacial pain syndrome. Then I found the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook on Amazon and bought that. If you are having pain in an area, you can look it up in the book and it shows diagrams of the body and where to look for trigger points that can be causing you the pain. It does work!
Be sure to read Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good info about fibro and you will learn a lot there. It’s nice to have it all in one place.
I’m looking forward to getting to know you better. Don’t hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.