Posted Yesterday 2:40 PM (GMT -5)
I suggest that you see a good board certified Rheumatologist. They should run tests to rule out other illnesses that have many of the same symptoms as fibro...things like lupus and Lyme disease. There is no good test for fibro so, once these have all been ruled out, you would get a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. When tested, people with fibro usually look like the picture of health! It’s so frustrating since you can’t see pain as well as fatigue.
Once you know what you are dealing with, you can face it head on and find what helps you. Unfortunately what works with one doesn’t necessarily work for another with fibro. It’s more a trial and error type thing. Since I wasn’t thrilled about the medication they give fibro patients, I tried over the counter things and did get help. I use ibuprofen with food, Tylenol, Vitamin D3, magnesium malate, and a prescription muscle relaxer called Robaxin (methocarbamol) that made a significant difference in my pain. I also walk daily as a gentle form of exercise and I pace myself when doing things. A monthly gentle massage helps me also. You will get more ideas from members on this forum too.
Do let us know what you find out because we do care about you.