Posted 6/5/2020 7:33 AM (GMT -5)
Hi, Taller!
I was looking at all the pain issues you have...which are many...and I can see how you have pain all of the time. People with fibro look fine, their tests come back normal, they look like the picture of health. but yet they have chronic pain. Some like me do have Some other health problems that cause pain but sometimes blame it on fibro. We do have fatigue...some greater than others...and we have cognitive memory problems plus a variety of other issues.
I have had back pain for years and I had always blamed it on fibro. The pain progressed to my hips and then ran down the insides of both legs to the point I almost couldn’t walk. I had to use two canes in order to take a baby step. I thought I was going to have to sell my home and go into assisted living. Fibro isn’t considered a progressive illness so my Internet’s sent me to a board certified rheumatologist and after A thorough family health history, many x-rays, and eight vials of blood work taken, it was discovered I had ankylosing spondylitis. I see you have some of the same problem.
The doctor wanted to put me in Remicade infusions and I declined. I then started ibuprofen with food, Tylenol, magnesium malate, vitamin D3, and when I added a muscle relaxer called Robaxin (methocarbamol), that has made a significant difference in my pain! I now take my dog for walks, I am sleeping better, and I have a more normal life so do look into this. Hopefully this could help you too.
I also had osteoporosis in my spine and both hips. Notice I said “Had”. I did use Evista for four years and it did not help. I now have osteopenia in my spine and right hip and my left hip is almost in the osteopenia range! I’m taking calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, potassium, and vitamin K2. It was when I added the K2 that I started seeing the results...but all these are needed because they work together to remodel the bones. The technician was so surprised and said there was a noticeable difference in my scan over the previous one. She asked what I was doing since she knew I was not taking osteoporosis medication anymore. I let her know what I was taking.
I hope I have shed some light on your pain issues. If you haven’t seen a rheumatologist it might be good to do so. I always make sure all of my doctors are board certified and if they are Dipolmates, that’s even better. They have to stay on top of all the new things happening in medicine.
Do let us know how you are because we do care about you. Hope you start feeling better soon.