Hi again, Sherrine: Yes, pacing is such a biggie for us! And it's strange because I generally do well pacing most of the winter. But then Spring arrives, I get excited, and tend to forget all about
pacing! But I'm slowly learning--I think my aging muscles are teaching me some lessons, ha!
I just planted the first of my garden today. Last year, though, I just had too much garden and too little time! So this year I'm going to experiment some and try more container gardening. I picked out some good, sunny spots that look promising. But I'll need to remember to water more often, from what I've read (they dry out faster, so it makes sense). But I'll still have a few things in my 'regular' garden area like peppers and tomatoes. I just don't want 'too much' garden. My sweet D-I-L already said she and the grandchildren could come out and help. The little ones will enjoy it, and my D-I-L loves fresh veggies, so it's a win-win thing for everyone.
I want to be out in the sun daily, not for long periods--I just have to hit that happy medium.
And, thanks for that tip about
more bending to garden. I likely should have done that last year! I probably wouldn't have had to make the trips to the rheumatologist and neurologist and saved about
Posture is something I know I need to work on. I think I'm getting better about
catching myself slouching, but it's a long process.
Exercise is something I tend to do temporarily--until something or another acts up!
I once found a really fun video of old songs from the '60s which was for seniors (exercise). I had too much fun!! The next day I learned my sciatica was wide awake and roaring at me!
Lesson learned---move but do not overdo!
I think you're right about
medications, too. I likely went too long on too little. Why have pain when you can often ward it off, often on just a small amount?
The irony is that my doctor (a new one--the previous one, who I saw for 29 years, retired) wants me to check in every 6 months because cyclobenzaprine can become addictive. I have been taking it in small doses for over 20 years and had never heard that, but good to know.
I'm generally pretty good about
taking my meds before going out somewhere. But because I'm generally home, I do probably let it slide too often and should be taking at least an amount so I'm not uncomfortable. . Another thing to work on!
Thanks so much again for your reply! Hope you had a nice Easter, too.