Posted 3/8/2024 1:41 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Sherrine: Thanks for mentioning Robaxin. It certainly is the best of the muscle relaxers I have tried, and thanks again for mentioning it some time ago, when I switched meds. So glad that I did! I actually now cut each Robaxin pill in fourths and take either 1 or 2 (of the four pieces) of them at a time, and rarely, 3--depends on how I'm doing that day. It does work well. And it seems a little can often go a long way, although yes, there are times I need a bit more. Good med!
Hopefully, the Bactrim will work out for you in the future, if you need to take it. I took an alternative med--sorry, it's been a while and I don't recall which one, offhand. Maybe Cipro? Anyway, it did clear up the UTI I had, which had been a bad one. I also now drink much more water and herbal tea because of that incident. And, I drink 3/4 glass of water with a little fruit juice mixed in, just for something different. I find if I start early in the morning and sip as I go, I can get lots of fluids in.
I've never heard of uveitis--it sounds very unpleasant! Anything with the eyes is so concerning. It must have felt very strange having so many floaters--even one seems a little annoying sometimes.
I didn't know flashes could come with silent migraines--wow! My former doctor once told me about his son calling him, all upset, saying he couldn't see out of one of his eyes. It turned out to be a migraine. Strange things! Glad the cold washcloth worked well for you, and yes, it's sure good to know beforehand what to do, should something like that happen again. Thanks for sharing that.
I have been wondering how you are feeling since your heart attack. You are always such a trouper, and having been through so much, you take it all so well. I'm afraid I can be more of a complainer at times, especially on bad days. And yes, your tips are helpful to us---thank you and bless you!! Keep inspiring us.