Posted 3/27/2024 5:36 AM (GMT -5)
Yesterday I had a silver diamine fluoride dental treatment and had some Novocaine. It gradually wore off, as it does, but overnight, my body did that "nervy, jumpy' leg/foot thing. It's sort of like restless legs but I can actually lose some sensation at times (which is not new to me). A rheumatologist told me my circulation is good, so that's a relief.
I also get this from cold weather and abrupt weather changes, and the temperature did drop overnight. But I'm wondering if the Novocaine played a part, though I had it many hours before I went to bed.
Just wonder if anyone else ever experienced this. I had a more major reaction from Novocaine several years ago at the dentist office, where, after I had the procedure, I stood up and it felt sort of like my nerves in my legs were reconnecting or something--very odd!
Also, does anyone else get that quick loss of sensation? I've had it checked out, but it's still creepy to me.
One last thing: In the past I remember discussions about heated blankets. They still sound SO good, but my legs can't tolerate much of anything on them or they get wacky. I can only use a lightweight blanket. I'd love to find something that would keep my legs warm all night. I do wear socks so that helps. Even PJ bottoms can cause issues--yes, very fussy body! Ideas/suggestions very welcome.
Thanks for any replies.