Posted 10/11/2010 7:50 PM (GMT -5)
My doctor told me that in days gone by poor women couldn't take to their beds and had mountains of physical work to do every day that kept them limber. Beating rugs, chopping wood, scrubbing floors, kneading bread and hauling water kept women moving whether they wanted to or not. Wealthy women with this disorder often became "poorly" and because they didn't have any real physical work required of them they became invalids. They often became addicted to female "tonics" that were mostly narcotics and alcohol.
The one thing that we want to do with this disorder is crawl in bed and just hide from the world so the hurting stops. My doctor said that this is the last thing we should do... or it WILL BE the last thing we do. Inactivity leads to restricted mobility and we are going to be in pain whether we move or not... so we should just do our best to KOKO! (Keep on keepin' on!)