Hello all. I have been preliminarily diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at this point. I was forced to switch doctors after a lack of answers and visited my new doctor about 2 weeks ago. After a MRI, blood work, and nerve conduction study with my prior physician, I was told there was "nothing wrong with me" and that I needed a chiro or physical therapy to fix my pain. After speaking with a friend and hearing her suggest that my symptoms mimicked fibromyalgia, I made an appointment with her physician.
I had to wait nearly 6 weeks for my first appointment, but he is leaning towards a fibromyalgia diagnosis for me. He asked me a ton of questions and did a thorough exam. He pushed on my back in different spots and asked the level of pain at each spot. He has prescribed me Savella to see if it helps my pain at this point. I will return to see him in 2 weeks for further evaluation. At this point, the help from Savella has been very minimal, but I am not up to the full dosage. The side effects have been awful including headaches, nausea, and spiked blood pressure.
I am at a loss right now. Extremely depressed as I had to discontinue my Zoloft prescription in order to begin the Savella. I am a 21 year old mother to 2 beautiful little girls (3 and 1), and although my husband and family are supportive, I feel too young myself to be dealing with this. I work full-time at an office job with a wonderful company, but even the sedentary position and stress is becoming hard to handle. I spend Saturdays/Sundays catching up on laundry and housework that I am too exhausted to do during the week, and even the minimal housework puts me in a cycle of dehabilitating pain for several days following. I have a STD policy at my work, but I'm terrified to reach the point that I talk to my doctor about using it. When is it too much?? I just keep pushing myself but it's getting harder each day.
I'm also afraid STD will lead to LTD and I do not want to be 21 or 22 on disability, or fighting for it from the sounds of the system. I feel my chances at LTD are slim-to-none with my age being an automatic disqualification.
I guess I am just looking for support. I am having a terrible day today after pushing myself to clean my house and put away laundry yesterday. My fingers and feet are swollen and I've only made it to the couch today from the pain. :( I have an event to attend this afternoon and the thought of getting in the shower and getting dressed sounds impossible right now.