I have had fibro since 1999 and have tried many different medications...and after all these years..I usually don't take anything unless I can't stand the pain anymore. I have learned how to cope with the pain..it is the fatigue that really gets to me. I can't stand the days when my mind has so many things to do..but my body just won't move! So frustrating! Anyway, I have a little information that might be of interest to you.
For those of you that live in the fibro world..there were four tests that my doctor did last year after I researched and found an article on chronic illnesses. This research was done by the Institute for Molecular Medicine and they suggest the following lab work be done on anyone that has CFS, FMS, or RA. These tests are all specific infections found in patients. One is Mycoplasma species test. It was found that 60% of CFS/FMS patients. The next one is Chlamydia Pneumoniae which has been found in many CFS, FMS, MS RA patients. The third is the Lyme Borrelia Test..again found in CFS, FMS and RA patients. Then there is HHV6 test which is a systemic viral infection found in CFS and FMS patients. All of us have the HHV6 virus..but you need to know if it is active or latent. All of the testing is done by PCR. The tests are expensive because there are very few labs that do the testing. The treatment is also expensive. You can read about each of the on the web. I have the HHV6, and I tried the medication for it..but I couldn't take it. I'm always checking with my doctor to see if they have a new medication out for it..but as of yet..they don't. Well, I hope this info helps. Have a wonderful blessed evening!