I went to see my GP about
3 things, the first was the lack of sleep.
His reply "There is nothing I can give you with your allergies"
Now that is just great something else to thank Fibro for.
The pain "Again nothing I can do to your allergies to all the pain killers I can give you"
Again just great, no sleep and rip roaring pain 24/7.
Then I asked about my Psoriasis it is noemally mild and is not a real worry, but it was driving me mad. My husband wanted to know if it could be the Meds I take for Colestrol?
Yep you guessed it the one Med he could find and could take with all my allergies I can't take because it make my Psoriasis flare freally badly. One day later my psoriasis was back to normal.What next I ask, I have to take the 2 meds left when I go to bed because they also make me sick in the stomach so laying down is the only way I can take them.
i am waiting to here from a Rumy as that is all my GP can suggest now.
He hopes the Rumy will have some ideas fo me, but until then I live in my own little hell.
It will be sometime next year and cost a fortune.
I am exhaustred but I am going to keep doing things I love ie my volenteering at our churche Foodbank which gives out food hampers to those in need or you can buy them for $25 that gives you over $150 worth of great food stuffs.
My DD said laast night after gettting home at midnight she was tired and sore but helping others was well worth it.
DD told everyone she has started to volenteer as those who do so live 60 percent longer