I finally had my follow-up appointment today with my new rheumatologist; it took 2 months to get it, too! She told me that all of my blood work had come back fine--even my B12/D, so I guess Im taking enough to supplement the deficiency.
Also, the xrays of my hands and feet were normal, so no real damage done by arthritis. She did say that the arthritis is in the early stages, and that I could get by with just taking my supplements and such, but she didnt give a definitive diagnosis. She prescribed an anti-inflammatory, since I do not always get relief using just ibuprofen. Im willing to try this, as she says it is very unlikely to cause any side effects, particularly with my weight. When I was weighed this morning, it showed I have gained 6 more pounds. Im at the end of my rope with this, and none of my doctors seem to care. I feel the all-too-familiar depression rut coming back again, and Im trying hard to fight it.
She was pleased that I am getting some pain relief from my P90X regimen; I am 5 weeks into the program, and it has helped some--not a
great deal, but some, and Ill take anything.
I had let all of my supplements run out, because I anticipated my doctor to tell me specific ones I should look into, but she did not and so now I have nothing. On top of that, I just got a HUGE bogus charge to my bank account that I have to fix, so until then Im broke. I love how it seems to be that when you need the money the most, something always happens *eyeroll* Highly annoying. But now Im going to do some more research, and figure out exactly what I should take. I guess I should look for things that treat specific symptoms, rather than general...
Off I go!